Im(24m) having hard time with dating and I think it is because I am just really boring.
All I do is take care of my dog, go to the gym, play video games and follow politics.
Im not really passionate about these things. At least not to the extend that other people are about their interests. Because I am pretty numb emotionally. I dont work or study so there isnt really anything that I can talk about in my everyday life.

I am caring and emphatic and I find it hard to show those things at the start of a relationship.
Im like tv show that gets good on third season. How do I get someone to stay for those first 2 seasons?

  1. You have two options… actually 3

    1. Be less boring: you need friends & socialization, more hobbies too

    2. Find someone equally boring

    3. Get comfortable being single for a while

  2. I don’t think it is awefully relevant. Meeting people might be hard yes. But once you do, focus on them, be supportive etc…

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