Do you think crime fighting teams should match like Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy or be individualistic like Batman and Robin?

  1. Depends on the dynamic.

    If the sidekick is a lil mini copy of the hero then yes. Let them be matchies.

    If it’s a sneaky hero with a side kick that’s gonna play mostly distraction or a flashy hero that needs their sidekick to sneak around the back then they shouldn’t match. Distraction should go loud and colorful with the costume while their partner dresses for stealth.

  2. Individualistic. Even sidekicks grow up eventually and it’s best if they have their own look.

  3. I think the days of superheros having sideicks is long over. They made sense back in the day when comics were aimed at kids because the superhero was someone to look up to, and the sidekick was someone they could relate to.

    Superheros aren’t really marketed to kids any more and the hero/sidekick relationships usually look more like queer relationships with uncomfortable age gaps and/or power dynamics.

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