What’s a memorable moment you’ve shared with your close male friends that strengthened your friendship and left a lasting impact on your bond?

  1. Me and my bros went on a camping trip once. We got lost in the woods for like 2 days but it was lit cuz we bonded over our shared fear of bears and shit. Now whenever we see each other, we always bring up that time one of us almost peed their pants when they heard a twig snap at night. Good times man, good times.

  2. Wild camping and living outdoors like cave-bros. Best times. Talking and hiking. Keeping warm. Best bonding

  3. Camping is one of the best things you xan do to bod with men. If you add in fishing and alcohol it’s damn near perfect.

  4. I planned a 10-day wilderness adventure in British Columbia. I planned it a year in advance and invited 10 different friends who all turned me down or bailed on the trip, then two weeks before I was going to have to cancel the trip since I didn’t feel comfortable soloing it, I texted a dude I met once before. He was married a girl I grew up with and we met at their wedding where he mentioned he was into hiking and camping. I asked if he would like to go even though it was short notice and it would just be the two of us, and he responded 15 minutes later saying, “For sure. Let’s do it.” We then embarked on the best trip of my life to that point. We went in basically as strangers and by the end of the trip I considered him one of my closest friends.

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