So me (19f) and my boyfriend (19m) have been dating for a year. We’ve had our trials but our relationship is amazing, we communicate and work through issues, we take care of one another, it’s just a good relationship. Over the past couple months we’ve thrown the idea around of having a girl “join” but purely sexually, no romantics involved. My main issue with this is insecurity honestly, i’m terrified he would like her more and so on. Long story short, we have a mutual friend (19f) who we will call Amber. we have known her since 6th grade since we all went to the same schools. Now they’ve been closer than i have been to either of them because i had moved away.
All three of us talked about this last night because it almost happened, we discussed my traumas as well as hers and our doubts and fears with the situation. everyone is super supportive of everyone. My boyfriend doesn’t care what happens one way or another, they have both been very forthcoming with the fact that they have no romantic love for each other, purely platonic. With that being said we have all agreed that we’re sexually attracted to one another.
I suppose the main reason for writing this is because i need second opinions. we’ve all agreed that if we try it and don’t like it than there are no hard feelings and anyone can take away consent at anytime. i do love them both in different ways but if anyone were to be a third i would want it to be her.
If you have any advice or thoughts, please share they are all appreciated.

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