Especially when you don’t believe the reasoning they gave you and know that there could’ve been greater efforts to try.

Boy: ghosts for 8 days
Me: Nu uh “how was your weekends”
Boy: forgive me for being blunt- I don’t want to continue this anymore. I think you’re great and interesting. I wanted this to work but don’t think we have much chemistry”

Boy: made plans every 1-2 weeks to hang out.

Ugh y’all. Talk about your fucking dating goals before you get to date 3. This guy probably wanted some thing casual and couldn’t just say it so he was writing a check I wanted to cash in but couldnt. I wish he would’ve just said something before our last date where we ended up fucking like obviously if I knew you were gonna dump me I wouldn’t have let that happen. He also said goodnight instead of see you later 🥲

I don’t think the chemistry was the problem at all. I actually refuse to believe it but obviously people feel what they feel. I guess I just wish grater efforts were made. But can’t take shit back and rewind the past.

Any advise for a sad girl will be much appreciated. I’ve tried the counting, focusing on breathing which work for like 10 seconds and then I spiral.

  1. I know it’s hard, but try to abstract from it for some time and find some other guy that you like. (just for looks) Don’t plan anything serious, a few dates will do, but post a photo of you together that screams “I’m happier then ever before” somewhere where your ex can see it. Will make him regret it 100% and you’ll just have fun in the process.
    He might even contact you afterwards, with stupid questions like “how’ve you been, I miss you”, then just block him. Best feeling ever.

  2. You should see how nice it is and feels when after 3 years she decides that she out of the blue lost feelings and became emotional unavailable…

  3. As a person completely unqualified to say as such, I think you tried your best to make something you could be satisfied with. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’d suggest paying attention to the mannerisms of the ghost boy and be mindful that people in general communicate their thoughts and emotions poorly. You are unlikely to know a person’s intentions if you don’t outright ask. Assuming people want the same thing you do is your only mistake. You sound very well put together and somewhat emotionally mature. Chin up, try again and hopefully it works out better next time.

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