Are there any specific things you do for someone you’re in love with? Or something you genuinely love doing to/for them because you love them? Why?

  1. Bringing my wife coffee first thing in the morning or letting her sleep in while I take care of whatever errands she had for the day.

  2. I love my hand. I cut her fingernails and shit. She always fingers out just how I like it.

  3. I always make sure they needs are met before I go into my shell for any period of time.

  4. Spent nights with her in the hospital when she had surgery, slept there then worked during day. When her surgical wound had to be left open, I packed it twice a day for 2 months. Never questioned it, never gave it a second thought. Put all my needs away.

  5. I’d actually trust her but then she’d stab me in the back because I realize she only exists in hope

  6. Make her her coffee every morning after I get home from training and bring it to her in bed.

  7. i check in on them almost daily and keep up to date on their lives. i offer my resources when appropriate.

  8. Dedicate my life to our happiness and developing as couple but always considering us as individuals with our own interest and motivations. Also I cook almost every day because she doesn’t like cooking so much but she helps me washing the dishes 🥰

  9. Not a man but chipping in. My husband always says before bed “if you need anything, wake me up”. I have a few health problems so to know that if I wake up coughing or needing a hot water bottle or even with a nightmare, he won’t get mad if I wake him up during his sleep and will get me anything I need, it’s very reassuring and makes me appreciate him even more. I recommend it

  10. So, my girlfriend was constipated for like 2 weeks. Like literally did not have a bowel movement for 2 straight weeks. Milk of mag, nothing, laxative, nothing, fluids, nothing, increased fiber, nothing.

    One night, she walked out of the bathroom and was crying because she was hurting so bad. I had just gotten off of my 7A-7P shift at my nursing home. And she flashes me this look of utter sadness and almost like she was begging me to do something.
    Long story short I gloved up, and totally tried to dig out of her ass what we both thought could’ve been a bowel impaction. And it worked. 😂

  11. When my boyfriend and I go to visit each-other we’ll usually pick a flower we see on the way and bring it to each-other.

    It’s just a small thing but it’s like a “Hey, I saw this and thought of you” thing.

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