Why did you drop out your girl friends group? How did you get over them?

  1. I had a group of friends whom we were together since 7th grade (we’re now 26-27). Ever since we were growing up, I celebrated every occasion each one of them had (engagement, bridal shower, marriage, baby showers…etc). I’m not married yet but I was the only one in the group who went to study abroad. I began my master’s last year in the US at a top and prestigious school (spent 2 years preparing for grad school). After I came back for a break, I met them for the first time and I noticed that they didn’t celebrate me, although on that same night, they celebrated a promotion for one of the girls and a graduation for another. I felt ignored and didn’t even get asked how was my year abroad.

    I realized that I accomplished so much in that year, and I need nothing but support and good vibes from the people around me, it hurt me that they didn’t acknowledge my achievements and were clearly not giving a shit about me even though I made sure I celebrated every milestone of their lives.

    I left the group chat, stopped talking to them and ignored them the entire summer I was at home, when I went back abroad, I deleted them from social media and I’m never looking back.

  2. Had a group of gal pals in college, 5 of us in total, we did everything together, I ended up dropping them all when I left the country

    A big reason was because they just weren’t fun anymore, they all got super cynical, hated life, hated everything and hated everyone, they could NEVER have a good time no matter what, a big reason why is because they were forced into jobs/relationships they hated and didn’t have the guts to change the things they hated about life

    I miss them a lot, and every time I feel like I’m not over them, I go to Facebook and look at their “everything is horrible” posts and it makes me feel glad I’m not friends with them anymore.

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