Hi Redditor’s, Need to vent and need advice.
Ex-bf (24M) and me (24F) broke up 2.5 yrs back, was together for 4 years. I was going through clinical depression. He left me in that phase of mine. Now claims he was also going through bad phase. I was disturbed with his inconsistent behaviour and we broke up. There were incidences where he lied to me and kept doing other stuff with friends and family, just kept me in dark. I tried soo hard communicating with him but he just won’t, it was during covid n quarantine and quite difficult. He used to give reasons like his family is conservative and mine is liberal so its difficult to communicate , also I had introduced him to my family and he only introduced me to his cousins n some friends. I was very attached to him since it was a 4 year long relationship with phases of long distance and it was tough too. I tried very hard to hold on. But he gave up communication. I went through very bad phase for next 1.5 years, It was traumatic for me and he never cared to contact me, I did not like anyone I am still healing lil by lil. I also moved on to a new country and started a new life. Now after 2.5 yrs he comes back to me and says he still loves me and he can’t let me go, hasn’t dated anyone after me. But he is still the same toxic personality, he refuses to change saying he doesn’t think he needs to change has a bare minimum attitude and he keeps bouncing back into my life. I maintained my boundaries because I couldn’t trust him And after talking to me for a month and chasing me for a month now tells me that even if we get back together his family won’t approve. I am like we dated for 4 goddam years before breakup were you asleep then. Thank god I didn’t let him in and trusted him back. Tired of chase and go. Now I feel like how the hell did I let this guy be a part of my life and he keeps bouncing in again n again. Hopefully I am done with this guy for good. Never hated him and always wished him good, its just not me to hate someone. Needed to vent. Let me know what you all think! 🤔

1 comment
  1. I think you did great. People who dont reflect on important matters and don’t course correct issues don’t deserve a relationship. I hope you find someone who wants to be on the same team with you

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