For my husband means just redistributing the mess to other rooms. Just a vent. It’s the most annoying, “I take you for granted” thing that I experience. I’ve really stopped doing anything for him, in hopes he realizes what it’s like to actually have to do some household stuff himself.

I folded all of his clothes and set them on the couch for him to figure out where he wants to keep them, he crumpled them all up in a heap and threw them on the small sofa in the bedroom. I’m going to find a corner to stuff them in for him. We have these in end tables that open, I use one of those for my clothes, he could use the other one, while the kids have a small dresser.

Not gonna put them away? Ok. Well they aren’t staying on the couch so I’ll crunch them somewhere if you don’t want to find a place for them. Also, no longer collecting his dirty clothes from around the house, if they miss laundry day, well you should have put them in the basket. Stuff like that, I’m refusing to do.

  1. How long has this been going on? I’m assuming you’re tired of his lack to partnership with household chores?.

  2. I would 1, pille them on his side of the bed.
    I would 2, never touch his laundry again.

    No washing, drying, folding, nada

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