It was the first day of college and we immediately clicked since day one. We knew we had something for each other.

A few weeks later, we sat down and talked, she said she likes me and would have dated me if she didn’t have a boyfriend (she broke up very recently because she moved away from her boyfriend for college and long distance wasn’t working out for them).

Now I told her that another girl approached me and that if we had something between us we had to make it official. But she said she was just out of a relationship and needed time to heal and that I should date the other girl, I said I don’t wanna do it and I wanted only you.

We both sat and hugged each other for a very long time, I told her I’ll help her heal and she said she likes me very much but doesn’t want me wasting my time because she doesn’t know how long it’ll take for her to heal from the breakup. I respect her feelings and told her I’ll be there for her and I’ll help her out when she needs me and that I’ll wait for her.

Now we do hang out once in a while but she does like to be isolated and sometimes she avoids me which really hurts me, I understand that’s part of her healing process but what am I supposed to be doing here? I don’t wanna say goodbye to her, we both love each other but I also don’t know how long I’ll have to be waiting (it’s her first breakup and she dated for 5 months and her boyfriend was her best friend for few years before that, now they broke up due to long distance). My mental health is really messed at this point, please suggest me what I should be doing. I don’t wanna lose her 🙁

tl;dr: We love eachother, she needs time to heal (uncertain time), don’t know what to do, I don’t wanna lose her.

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