i (f22) graduate college in 3 months and i am a student worker at an educational non-profit org. two days ago, the chief people officer told me she is budgeting to give me a full time position. she wants it to be me, she has seen my work in the organization before. she will give me the official offer mid October once the budget is approved. i told my dad and he didn’t really seem too excited about it. I know he wants me to move back to my home state, but no “happy for u” or anything like that. I tried calling my aunt but she didn’t pick up. I told my therapist and he was neutral too. I don’t want to tell my friends bc I feel like they don’t like me and want me to move back home anyways. I even told this guy I was casually seeing because I just wanted to hear something from someone and it was so neutral.

I get excited when other people get new jobs. I always am genuinely happy for them and i let them know. is that weird that I’m excited? are people usually neutral or passive to these types of things? I was just really proud of myself, but idk I can’t tell if I’m just expecting too much.

  1. I mean some people are like that, but not everyone. Sorry those around you haven’t reciprocated the same excitement as you.

    Clearly you’re passionate about it and I’m sure you worked hard. You should celebrate yourself for how far you have come and where you are headed. I think that’s a super awesome opportunity that has came your way and if you were my friend I’d be proud and just as excited!

    Don’t let any of this discourage you from continuing to work towards what you want to do and being happy. People will come along who feel just the same as you do and will gladly show it

    Definitely not weird or expecting too much from friends or family

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