This will be the first UEFA Champions League in around 15 years without Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, the 2 largest superstars of all time.

Several of the most famous players (Benzema, Neymar, Mane, in addition to CR7) have moved to the Saudi league and some CL regulars like Chelsea, Liverpool, Juventus and Ajax didn’t qualify this year.

Manchester City is perhaps the biggest favorite the competition has had in a while, having almost indisputably the strongest squad.

  1. Looking at the attendances in the stadiums and TV viewing figures in Europe, I’d say no.It’s still extremely popular here.

    On a personal level, maybe yes…. particularly the group stages, where it’s designed so that the ‘big’ teams can almost never fail to qualify, and the small teams have very little chance.Its been going that way for years, and will only get worse with the new format from next year.

    I would agree that Manchester City are favourites, but not by a huge amount, especially in a straight head to head…I think Bayern or Real Madrid could beat them, perhaps one or two others too,on a good day!

  2. I don’t think people care about those famous players gone. Stars come and go. I think the CL is still popular but I think a majority of the people follow their favorite local team.

    This season 2 Dutch clubs have made it to the group stage, both Feyenoord and PSV qualified. Those two clubs are regulars as well, being former winners of this competition. So this season there is more anticipation towards this years CL.

    However, I think the growing gap between the few rich clubs and the rest makes international football less popular for some people. Football becomes more and more predictable. I think our domestic league is the most popular competition.

  3. I care not one bit about big money-ball, as a football-fan. Why should I feel any consideration or affinity towards overpaid ego’s and a commercial competition that is geared towards increasing the difference within the football pyramid and generating even more profit for global multinationals?

    My own team is in it this years but the only reason I hope they win games is so that they can grab some much needed cash.

  4. I wish the Champions league only consisted of teams that were actually cup and leauge champions of the various countries. But I don’t feel like there is lack of anticipation for the competition just because aged players have left the big teams in the competition.

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