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  2. Wrap it before you tap it is my number 1 rule, also communication is key of do and do nots is sex, and just relax and enjoy yourself focus on the moment and have fun

  3. Pay attention to how she reacts to what you do. Start slow. Do the things you know she likes, and go from there. Communication on both your parts is key.

  4. Don’t press yourself, let it be natural
    First time it’s special, but it’s ok if it’s not perfect

    But, with the time, try to dominate her in bed, take her harder, kiss her harder

    But don’t hurt her

  5. Hygiene is really important, so shower before or wash your bits. Lots of foreplay and go slow. Make her cum first with your fingers or oral sex. If you try PIV and you cum too fast or lose your erection, she is still happy because she already came.

  6. Don’t watch porn. At least until after, it’s about as realistic as WWE.

    Take your time, communicate, don’t hide anything from her. Use protection, that should not be optional.

    If she isn’t supportive or understanding. She isn’t worth your time.

    You don’t say if she has experience or not. The same applies if you both are though. Take your time, learn each other’s bodies. Lube is good to keep on hand.

  7. I lost my virginity to another virgin, and nothing you “study up” on is going to make it the best sex of your life. That’s going to come later with experience and knowledge of not only your own body but your partners as well. Instead focus on making the memory one of the best. Go all out with the cheesy corny romance, make the girl smile and give her the warm fuzzies. You two will forever be an unforgettable person to the other after the fact, so give the unforgettable moment some extra umph. You’ll both appreciate that later on in life far more than you trying to learn technique from porn. As far as the actual act…it’s the most natural thing in the world when it unfolds.

  8. People have been having sex since the dawn of time, so watching porn is not necessary to know how to do it. I’d just say focus on her pleasure through oral and manual stimulation and try to bring her to orgasm before PIV begins. It’s ok to be nervous and awkward, and I think admitting it can be both charming and serve to reduce stress and anxiety.

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