Sorry for a technical question about porn! 😂 My boyfriend and I want to try watching porn ogether. I know when I watch alone I have to keep choosing videos. How do you keep it playing without breaks to switch clips? I don’t wanna have to keep stopping and breaking the mood. Can I stream continuously. Where? And how do I project it on the TV and not my phone? Thanks!

  1. I hope that someone responds here with a free site that will actually let you do that. I have not found one yet.

    If you’re technical you can torrent porn and play it on a media server, like Plex.

    If you aren’t technical, find someone who is. Buy them beer or whatever.

  2. My partner and I use pornhub to do this using a feature called “playlists”. You’ll first need to make an account. Quickly search with your partner for genres you enjoy, and scroll through the results.

    Each time you find one you like click on it. When the next page loads below the video and title you’ll see a series of icons: thumbs up/dn, heart, and +. Click that + and you’ll be given the option to add the video to a “playlist.” By default there is a “watch later” playlist, but you can add others. Add as many as you want to the playlist, with your partner adding some and you adding others. It may be easiest to find a single channel, production company, or performer you both like, then swiftly place a handful of their videos onto the playlist.

    From the profile icon click on “playlists” from the drop-down, then select “watch later.” Each video you have added to this list will play in consecutively after this with occasional embarrassingly bad commercial breaks.

    Mirroring from your phone or pc to the tv is something that varies between manufacturers. Sometimes it’s possible and sometimes not. apple can mirror wirelessly between phones and an apple tv, many laptops and pc’s can display on tv using different connectors: look for something like dvi, hdmi ports on your laptop and pc. It’s a chore especially if you are not a computer nerd, but after setting it up once it will be easier in the future.

  3. Can you check on length and find ones that will out last you. If you like a specific act look for compilations of that act.

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