In short: I have an std that will pass on its own but even if I’ll take the steps to try to reduce the time of the healing process I will still abstain from sex for a while probably 6 months from now how can I handle it? I don’t wank or watch porn what can help me get through this?

  1. And why is it bad to wank or watch porn?

    Still. Sex is not everything in life. You can try and read interesting books, meet new people, start photography lessons, watch a bunch of series, just go out with friends?

    A way to drain yourself from desire is to do what you said you don’t want to do. So, just get distracted, lots of people abstain themselves from having sex for different reasons and they do just fine, I’m sure you’ll find something positive in this.

    Also, I hope you recover completely 🙂

  2. Casual sex is overrated. Seems you found out the hard way.

    Masturbating moderately is perfectly healthy and normal. Porn is not healthy.

    Learn to control yourself and be disciplined.

  3. You’re scared to become addicted to masturbation but now don’t know how to handle a few months without casual sex? Do you see the irony here?

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