What’s the worst damage financially, that your ex/current significant other have done to you? And how did she do it? And we’re you able to recover? How?

  1. My wife quit her job.

    We adjusted, and over time she got a (smaller, worse pay) job again.

  2. My girlfriend got really into Animal Crossing when it came out, which was really uncharacteristic of her since she wasn’t a gamer at all. Begged me to buy her the game, and a Nintendo switch. She played it for like three weeks.

    I still haven’t recovered financially from it.

  3. when I got a divorce it was right in the middle of the crash of the housing market. I had to pay the mortgage for 1 year for my ex (while she continued to date and eventually marry the rich lawyer she was cheating on me with)…after she finally moved out 12 months later I couldn’t sell the house and had to let the bank foreclose on it….it ruined my credit for about 10 years….but now things are great and it was worth it to get her out of my life.

    Enjoying life and being loved is so much more important the anything financial….

  4. Not me, but my uncle. She cashed out his 401k, cash out mortgage on the house, cleaned out checking and savings accounts and took his car while he was away for work. He was 52 at the time. He’s 70 now, never was able to bounce back.

  5. Changed jobs to support her in her PHD program in a different state… after the move we separated in 4 months and I was left with a two year lease and a shit job I didn’t fucking want in a state away from my entire support network. Regret that relationship 100% and will subconsciously resent her for the rest of my existence.

  6. She’s pretty responsible with money. Worst thing that’s ever happened is she forgot to use a new credit card to pay for certain things, so we missed out on the sign-up bonus (like $650 towards a trip we were taking). That, and she had worse student loans than me, but she also supported me before I was able to get a job out of college.

    Overall, she’s been a huge net positive for our overall financial situation. It’s great to have a partner.

  7. This was my exwife

    One year I made $100k (we were very comfortable before the good year) more than expected. My ex took care of all the household bills. At the end of the year we had exactly $0.00 more in our savings than the year before. Apparently, she spent it on crappy clothes (not nice designer shit even), and drinking with her drunk friends.

    After we divorced, she stole my identity for an apartment with three guy she shocked up with after I threw her out. I found this out when I was going for a mortgage and they couldn’t understand why I had residences in two states about 2,000 miles apart.

    Took me a decade to recover from the damage through hard work and discipline.

  8. Quit her jobs with nothing lined up and not change her spending habits despite numerous warnings that we can’t keep doing that because we can’t afford it, almost lost our house (twice) because of it. I made her get a job and we had to refinance.

  9. I’ve bought my current girl two bmws. So that would be the worst. But I could afford both of them so there was nothing to recover from.

  10. Had my first child with my highschool gf once he was born it was a switch flipped. She screwed off with some other guy and stop paying things like her cell phone which was in my name, this was small.

    Worst part was when I was away on a work trip for a week she somehow got a court case without me being there and got the judge to sign off on childsupport that was way higher then what I made. Still have the document it says ” imputed to make the amount of ******” it was just a large made up number.

    I had no knowledge of any of this until I came back and there was a court judgement registered against me and she garnished my wages. I eventually got it all fixed by showing my actual pay stubs and such but I had 10 year credit hit from the ordeal.

    Women will never know the pain and fear of this happening to them from dating a guy they trusted.

  11. Got home from work one day and the girl was gone- her stuff, some of my stuff- but most importantly all the bills and money for them were gone…. got evicted for no rent- stuck with utilities- drivers license suspended for nonpayment of insurance- just a shit show… a conversation and a plan could have helped us both

  12. Had an ex convince me to buy a condo together at the height of the housing bubble. We over spent by about 20-30K. When we broke up I refused to move out till my name was off of the mortgage.

    She made a lot of money but had shit credit so it took a few months. At the end of it all I was out about 4-5K.

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