What is your personal opinion on guys using force to, not necessarily defend themselves, but just retaliate in response to physical force?

  1. They are violent and dangerous. If someone retaliates with violence when they have the opportunity to simply retreat or remove themselves from the situation, then that’s not self-defense or necessary defense of others. That’s just physical violence because they are angry and embarrassed. Lashing out with unnecessary violence is never acceptable to me.

  2. If you big enough to throw hands, you big enough to get shlapped.
    Regardless of sex

  3. The way you worded it is kind of vague..you mean like if you punch a man and they hit you back? I see nothing wrong with that. Even if your hit to him didn’t injure him or threaten his life, you still assaulted him so he has every right to respond to that.

    Ideally nobody would be hitting anybody, but in this situation, the instigator is at fault.

  4. Retaliating in response to physical force is defending yourself… and I expect people to defend themselves. If someone hits you beat the brakes off them. If your life is threatened shoot them. No one should let someone fck with them.

  5. Self-defense is using sufficient force in order to protect yourself and others. If you are able to exit the situation without resorting to force but choose to do so anyway in order to “retaliate”, then you’re simply escalating the situation and trying to justify being violent. That isn’t self-defense.

  6. People who hit other people need a swift education. Definitely hit back.

  7. I’m against all forms of physical violence. The only accepteable reason would be self defence but only the bare necessity of force should be used. Anything beyond that is, I’m sorry to be so blunt, pathetic and repulsive

  8. The retaliation needs to be proportionate. If someone punches me with all their might but it barely hurts me and I punch them back with all my might and knock them out, I am in the wrong. My response has to be proportional in its severity of effect.

  9. If i hit someone i expect to be hit back, i respect everyone / dont try to cause problems so I try to be as friendly as possible. But i expect the same of others.. if someone hits anyone they shouldnt do so unless they can accept whatever consequences come with the retaliation

  10. I’m agreeing with the other posters. If there is no danger and the person responds in a violent way, it just shows that their ego was hurt and they can’t control their anger. Sometimes those situations can be nuanced but overall, I find it unnecessary and stupid and I steer clear from those men. If it is in defense or to protect someone/themselves from getting injured, that is different.

  11. It very much depends on the specifics.

    If someone threatens my family, I will not passively wait for them to act.

    I will take them out immediately.

  12. I’m not a guy so I can never truly understand. Do whatever you want, just don’t get hurt and don’t get into trouble. 💀

  13. I think it’s fundamentally unethical to use any more force than is necessary to get away from a dangerous situation in nearly all situations. If they’re just using force because the opportunity presented itself, I don’t want to be around them in any capacity.

  14. I’m not one for violence, but if you decide to fuck around… you can’t be mad when you find out.

  15. I’m only okay with force being used in self defense and if there’s no other option. If you’re able to leave the situation or just plain ignore it, I’d rather they do that. Violence doesn’t make a situation any better unless it’s a last resort.

  16. You should be able to defend yourself in whatever way possible regardless of gender.

  17. If you walk up and hit somebody, they have full right to hit you back. You wanted to fuck around, stop complaining about finding out 🤷

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