This girl told me in her type, but She gives me mixed signals

Hello everyone, 23M here. so this is the first time happening. A girl told me (22F) im her type of guy who would want in a relationship,but i dont see any actions from her to see that She is interested in me, but gives me mixed signals. Should i move on? Any advice from anyone more older then me to ser If She is really interested?

  1. What have you done to push things forward? When a woman has said that, I know out the gate that I need to be planning a day to see her. She’s pretty much gave you sign to move forward just got to act on it. Just how women are, they want you to initiate and lead

  2. She basically said she wants you to pursue her. It’s up to you to keep her interest in you. She might like to play hard to get. Sounds like she at least was interested, you might of been to slow at making your moves and now she isn’t. Flirt hard to see if she is still interested. Ask her out(for the love of god plan something she would like beforehand) if she seems interested. If you still think you are getting mixed signals admit you are an idiot(exact word to use) and you need to know if she still want you to pursue her or if you waited to long and are making her uncomfortable. She beforehand straight up told you she was interested if she isn’t anymore it is on you so be respectful as possible when asking or apologizing if necessary. But make your move or lose your chance flirting hard could turn things around, flirt with your words and body language don’t be all grabby. Slowly close the distance if she is receptive and go for her hand slowly. Then ask her out on a thought out date. Relax and be more normal and slightly flirty after she says yes. Save it for the date. Again if she seems less receptive talk to her, you can still recover, let her know you are an idiot and you can ask her how she wants to proceed. If she claims to no longer be interested respectfully say you understand and ask if she might tell you where you went wrong and what you should have done. A nice talk can get her interest back into you or at the very least you will learn something for the next girl. She told you to make a move, better late than never.

  3. What does she like to do for fun? Bowling, movies, clubbing, a walk in the park…? Get the idea? Ask her out. She just told you that she likes you, that you are her type. Well, my brotha, step up and date the girl.

    Best of luck!

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