Men: Even though you really love your SO, what is one thing you find really annoying about them?

  1. Her adhd and her inability to say no. Shes a business owner and no matter her backlog will always take in new orders even if shes already overwhelmed.

  2. She cries a lot, from about every emotion there is, anger, joy, embarrassment etc. It’s annoying because it makes me hard every time. I feel like a pervert.

  3. She loads up flat surfaces. Give that woman a flat counter or table, and she’ll clutter it with shit. We have a true his and hers bathroom. My bathroom vanity is on the opposite side of the bathroom from hers. It won’t take you more than half a second to guess which one is hers. Same thing goes for nightstands by the bed. Hers is just full of stuff. Her dresser vs. my dresser. On and on and on. You don’t want to see the inside of her car. Might as well be a $45K purse. But I love my little clutter bug more than life itself.

  4. She has that peculiar habit of overcomplicating things when explaining something. Like spending 2 minutes saying something that can be said simply with one sentance if that’s your intention.

  5. Every time I order buffalo wings, she looks at me with her damned smile and steals a few. Emma, I love you, but hands off my wings.

  6. Oh my god she’s so damn clumsy. She always joked about it and it was kind of cute and wholesome at first but she wasn’t kidding.

    I absolutely don’t understand it. She’s coordinated, very very intelligent, meticulous, but it’s like her mind just moves on to the next thing while she’s doing something and just forgets how to human. It’s almost a daily occurrence something falls,breaks, spills, etc in some capacity. Some things worse than others.

    The worst part is she gets really upset over it, especially if it’s something of mine or important/expensive and she will end up crying. I can’t really get upset with her because I know she doesn’t mean to do it but still frustrating.

  7. She has a tough time believing in herself. It was worse when we were younger. But it still happens and I just want her to see herself how I see her.

  8. She drinks. A lot of nurses do, and she’s no different. She’s not a mean drunk or anything, but the booze is a bit of a trigger for me because I’ve also struggled with alcohol at times in my life. Having a bottle or two around is sorely tempting. I want to, but I don’t want to, if you know what I mean.

  9. The way she eats , I have always got physically angry listening to people to people eat , and she is one of the loudest eaters I have met. Somehow, she makes more noise than people who eat with their mouth open.

    But I love her, and that is something I can work on and live with. To have this amazing girl by my side

  10. She doesn’t ask about my day after a long day of work. Then proceeds to show me tik toks of random shit

  11. She goes silent when we have a conflict instead of talking about it. Her average time is 24 hrs. In fact she is doing it now haha

  12. My wife has developed an addiction to the card game “Magic the Gathering”





  13. I don’t think I find anything really annoying. She’s a bit of a people pleaser which can be frustrating at times. Her lack of confidence in herself can be a little annoying as she’s a wonderful, intelligent and beautiful woman but we both suffer anxiety so it’s too be expected. That’s probably it

  14. She wont eat until I eat and when she is full, I should not keep eating. We’ve talked about this many times over, and she stops for a while, but I see her expressions.

  15. She lets little stuff get to her. We have a wonderful life and I feel like she lets minutiae get in the way of her happiness.

  16. The cups, fucking everywhere. Because she wont use the same cup twice, EVEN THOUGH ITS BEEN TEA BOTH TIMES AND WITHIN THE SAME HOUR. And shes got about 4927 different styles of mug, and I’ve got 3 that are hidden in the most random cupboards because they “dont match hers”

  17. Money makes her nervous, and then she applies “out of sight, out of mind” to her/our detriment. Like if a bill comes, she will shove it in a drawer and never think about it again.

    Early in our marriage I found a stack of past due bills, collection agency warnings and so forth. It’s not like we didn’t have the money either, there was no reason not to pay them. Damaged our credit a bit.

  18. She expects me to be emotional 24/7, I just can’t keep up. She gets frustrated over it. And I am confused.

  19. Well she passed away a few years ago so i guess you could say she just couldn’t live up to my expectations.

  20. My spouse takes forever to finish a sentence. She stops half way through and it seems like she’s waiting to think of the right word. I’m basically held hostage until she finishes her sentence.

  21. About my wife, whom I adore –

    She gives me hugs and doesn’t snore.

    The only thing that shakes my core:

    she leaves her laundry on the floor.

  22. Her financial irresponsiblility. She says yes to every store credit card, has several subscription boxes, pays a psychic subscription, buys “healing stones”, and doesn’t understand how credit works. I’m working with her on this and trying to teach financial literacy but she’s not good with numbers or planning. So yeah… it can be rough

  23. She’s one of the smartest people I know, but when navigating and says to turn left, I know I must turn right 100% of the time.

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