I love to decorate. I hate moving because of the packing and logistics. But the one silver lining is I have a new canvas to redecorate. I will watch DIY decorating videos for hours debating on comfort, color patterns and what I want people to think and feel when they enter my apartment. Most my friends just throw a leather sofa, stained coffee table and big screen tv in their apartments and consider it nice; and I always try to convince them to add a little more razzle dazzle to their place, but to no avail.

I also love to cook and get great joy from watching people enjoy my cooking. Otherwise I just lift weights a lot and looks like a total muscle bound meathead to the average person.

  1. Is it just me or none of those sound traditionally un-masculine to me? I thought it would be something like gossiping, knitting or something but what you named is fine.

  2. I love washing dishes. I love taking some gummies or tincture, getting high as a giraffe’s pussy and cleaning the kitchen. There is something about the profound transformation from dirty to clean that gives me satisfaction.

  3. I enjoy going to drag shows and Broadway plays. My gay friends will tease me for my knowledge of ru Paul sessions.

  4. I don’t think that many men would consider my magic the gathering hobby as very masculine.

    To compensate for this I just don’t bring it up with people that would judge. I do have other hobbies.

  5. No idea, because I couldn’t give a flying feck about anyone who feels they need to judge my masculinity.
    I’ll do me 👍🏼

  6. I enjoy musical theatre. People say what they say, but this actually a great way to get girls. Just saying

  7. My eyes tear up when watching shows and there’s a heart warming moment. My wife thinks it’s hilarious.
    I also have an etsy shop where I make sports earrings.

  8. My dad retired a few years ago and took up crocheting. He’s a big dude, looks like a very manly man type. When he goes to craft stores the help always assumes he is there to get a gift for his wife. It’s led to some pretty funny exchanges.

  9. I watch horrible reality TV shows like “love is blind” and “temptation island” by myself and I really really get into it lol

    If you saw me in real life you would probably never guess that I’d watch that garbage lol I’m generally a “guys guy” and the women I date are thoroughly surprised but also very happy when they find out I like watching smut TV made for females lol

  10. I think cooking is equal or even more masculine than feminine, most of the great chefs are men ,I believe most working chefs in general are men and they are far from the effeminate type.

    I’m struggling to think of any “non masculine” things I do, I make desserts/chocolate but that came out of a desire to make the perfect dessert for myself. I don’t enjoy making them but I very much enjoy eating them. Apart from that I’m sadly stereotypical 😂 oh, this is a reach but I fucking love fruity shower gels and use them exclusively we get fucked on men’s shower gels with these bullshit smells. Power! Energy! Frozen chilled! Fuck outta here bitch I’m going to smell like strawberries or mangoes.

  11. Since I started living with women I have become more and more atune to the benefits of moisturising my face.

    To me, that always seemed like something not hand in hand with masculinity.

    … Certainly less masculine than covering your face with dirt and hiding in a ditch for days waiting to slaughter your dinner.

    But jesus fucking christ that soft supple face skin feels a shit load better than that natural dry, plastic masculine face.

  12. I have a collection of plants commonly called desert roses. Seeing them grow and flower gives me a ton of joy. I started a small subreddit to help other with their care. Check out r/Adenium

  13. I like cooking and occasionally bake something.
    Made bread from scratch once, it was delicious. Better than anything I had previously.

    I might get the oven going tomorrow. 🙂

  14. Sewing. I guess that’s considered unmasculine or whatever. I like it because it’s an ever evolving puzzle.

  15. I wish I could paint my nails, the only time I can get away with it is at metal concerts and that’s only if they’re totally black. I’m pretty good at painting and my wife will let me do little pictures on them. Just sucks I’d probably get my ass kicked if I tried it.

  16. I like to go clothing shopping. There is something therapeutic about it for me. When I really rock with a girl, I like to look through their closet and dress them.

  17. I ride a motorcycle. I have black belts in 3 different forms of martial arts. I have multiple tattoos.

    But I find book folding to be incredibly relaxing.
    Either the measure and fold or the measure, cut and fold. I could do that for hours. They make great gifts.

  18. I paint miniature warhammer figures which is not traditionally masculine, but their are many men who have an alpha-male mentality despite playing with brightly colored plastic dolls.

  19. I like to crochet. I was looking for new hobbies while I’m out of work with an injury. So I tried crocheting. I taught myself and im pretty good at it

  20. A lot of people are surprised I do ballroom, swing and Latin lessons. I’m a big former ironworker that also does HEMA combat. I tell my single guys to try it, they say it’s gay. I guess they’re right. What straight guy would want to dance with 20-30 different woman a week…

  21. I like visiting this place in my town where you can rent a coworking space and the break room is filled with kittens or puppies that you can play with and de-stress.

  22. I sew, do Cosplay, am learning how to do pottery, enjoy gardening, and I enjoy fruity alcoholic drinks. Also a pretty decent baker.

  23. I love to garden, love planting flowers, caring for them and making my space beautiful.

    It’s a solid hobby, gets me outside and my body moving. Also keeps my mind occupied and in a healthy direction. A lot of planning involved, I look forward to it.

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