My friend and I have played video games a lot over the years. But I really want to scale back. I said I’d keep it to the weekends, but I don’t even necessarily want to play tonight. Especially since will be hanging out with them all tomorrow playing board games – I’d rather use my free time for other stuff tonight.

But then I feel guilty because we won’t have much time to play next weekend either…It’s always about feeling guilty. How do I balance my own desires with still going out of my way for my friend sometimes? Games are his thing. I enjoy them too. But for years we’ve played like 4 hours every night (not the case anymore) and I guess it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth.

  1. Just be honest and tell them you’re busy, if they freak out that’s a red flag but assuming this person isn’t crazy it should be fine.

  2. It’s okay to not want to play games with your friend tonight. It’s also okay to feel guilty about not spending as much time with your friend as you’d like. It doesn’t make you a dick. You’re worthy of love and respect and you’re allowed to take care of yourself, just like anyone else.

    Be honest and upfront with your friend and explain how you feel in your own words. You can tell him that you’re still interested in gaming, but that you don’t feel like it tonight

  3. You’re entitled to your own time. It’s not something you can get back. If they have a problem with it, it’s not your responsibility to resolve that for them.

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