So summary
1) Friend #1: She completed ghosted me for 3 months saying that she was busy with exams all the while she was active everywhere on social media. Even after her exams she didnt bother to talk much to me. We used to be very close. I decided against trying to rekindle the friendship bc at that time she started a relationship with a married man which i consider immoral as hell.
2) Cousins: moved to abroad & forgot about me
3) Friend #2: Got married & has been distancing herself from me ever since. We were very close. She made up a huge, elaborate lie just to be able to ignore me. I later found out that she was lying. She said she will deactivate her insta but blocked me instead to make me think she deactivated it.
4) Another cousin: told him about all this & he dismissed me saying “This is not how a grown up is supposed to behave. You’re being over dramatic. People have bigger things to do”.
5) Mom: she distanced herself from me & started respecting & admiring her abusive husband more this year.
6) Friend 3: He suddenly changed & stopped reassuring me like he always used to, dismisses my concerns & behaving differently overall.

I’m already an introvert who was close with only few people & all this unfolded..

  1. I feel ya, I can relate to this. This year is a hella mess for me. I’ve been ghosted by 2 friends, and with the rest I just can’t connect anymore I used to. My bond wasn’t that strong I feel, I just knew them for a year or so. But that’s all I got, and everything faded away.

    At this point, I feel it’s all part of life and we need to accept it. The truth is there’s an expiration date on the bond we make, however hard it may sound.

  2. Its always tough losing your network of support, especially when it is all at once over a short period of time. Worst part is, when you are hurting, and depressed from losing them, it jeopardizes your other friendships because you may not be fun to be around. It can be a vicious cycle.

    Its important to remember to try and deal with things one at a time. Start by examining how your mood, interactions, and behavior might be impacting your connections and friendships. Once you can get a handle on that, you will be shocked how easy it is to build a new support system around you.

    Try not to feel overwhelmed, relationships are fickle. Most tend to fade to non existent with enough time. Even familial ones can change dramatically despite the obligations we feel to them.

    You sound like you are having a rough time, but i promise, being your best self will attract the right people. Everyone deserves decency, and being ghosted or dismissed or minimized without cause can be confusing and anxiety inducing. Fuck those people. You don’t need that kind of drama.

    Keep yo ur chin up! Things will get better soon ❤️

  3. I also can relate to this. I am easily attached person so this behavior always hurts and my brain always blames myself.

    But you have to accept that you will never know what other person is thinking unless they tell you. You can try to be more detached or think from different perspective: people change and sometimes it is happening so you could meet new cool people.

  4. IMHO – common theme seems to be you being critical of their life choices. Depending on how you expressed your feelings on the matter, might be why they drifted from you. Friend 3 might have had feelings for you that weren’t reciprocated or got tired of being an emotional support animal.

    One thing to be concerned about, is if you’re losing friends due to any fault of your own, you need to take a step back and figure it out. Get therapy. As you lose friends you’re compounding the problem with a smaller group of friends, speeding up the problem.

    Not enough info to help you further.

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