What in your opinion is a traditional woman nowadays?

  1. In my experience and opinion: A “traditional” person usually refers to a person who follows values based on older conservative, religious, or historical cultural roles and traditions rather than adopting newer, more progressive, or changing perspectives based on changing situations and times. Being “traditional” tends to express in being somewhat rigid and resistant and fearful of change with a lower level of risk tolerance or anticipation of betterment through change.

    A “traditional woman” to me is a woman who fits that definition by choice or circumstance and lives their life aligned with the traditional conservative values of their area/family/community.

  2. Tradition tends to be placed in opposition to progressive values in the West. I am religous and I have no problem with gender roles, so Westerners probably would call me traditional. I don’t call myself such words, nor if I was not living in the West would there neccesarilly be any reason for anyone else to call me that.

    So it all depends on the view, what you can see.

  3. ‘Traditional woman’ is usually a phrase used to pressure and shame women into doing things for others. ‘You should do all the cooking and cleaning, that’s what women traditionally did.’ ‘A traditional wife doesn’t not work outside of the home and is submissive to her husband.’ It’s other people telling women how to be a woman.

    I do not know any truly traditional women. Even my Grandmothers had post hs education. Yes, my one Gran was a SAHM. However, she used her education (bookeeping) at home and for charity organizations.

  4. She works full time. Does more housework and childrearing than her husband. Has bad sex with her husband once a week, is unappreciated by her kids. She doesn’t get enough sleep, drinks too much coffee in the morning. She’s overweight. She doesn’t have enough savings or retirement and has too much cc debt. She has a vape pen that’s hidden from the kids or drinks a glass (or 2) of wine a night. She’s at her wit’s end, but does get to relax every now and again…just enough to keep going.

    Its been this way since the 80s…its tradition.

  5. Generally speaking – I don’t believe that there is even a concept of a traditional woman these days

    Women are allowed to exist and take up space both in terms of appearance, energy, and identities in various ways and in comparison to what it used to be

    Women are not required to be submissive; however, they don’t have to always be so strong either

    The men (or partners) can do things for the wife and/or significant other and vice versa – as an example – women are not designed to be ‘servants’ but if we ask a woman to do something (like *”can you please ____”*) then the woman should have the exact same equal right to request the same help from the man (or partner)

    Even if you look at nuclear families – they exist in different forms and with different role expectations because there is more acceptance towards removing the concept of who does what and instead – *identifying what works best*

    As an example – maybe the father in a heterosexual relationship is the ‘stay at home father’ and maybe the ‘mother’ is the breadwinner

    Or maybe the father makes the dinners and the mother cleans – instead of everything thankfully falling solely on the wife or mother’s shoulders – they create an equal distribution between role tasks because there is no longer a concept of what a “traditional” woman is supposed to look, act, and think like or the part that she’s required to play besides one that allows her to be fully and authentically the best version of herself

    Furthermore – you can look at a family from the concept of either matriarchal or patriarchal – it depends on what works for each family and some might even have both like a power couple where both are a true form of equal partnership

    Just like the concept of parental leave – before it used to be ‘maternity’ leave and then it shifted towards a greater acceptance of ‘paternity’ leave for both partners

    The same thing existed before – it might sound ‘funny’ now because it’s so outrageous; however, men were allowed to wear jeans and pants whereas women were not

    But now we’ve shifted so that men can wear skirts if that feels good for them and women are allowed to wear whatever they want

    These changes help remove stigma and both role and societal expectations and creates equality both for individuals and within relational contexts

  6. The opposite of a feminist. A stay at home mom who doesn’t have her own thoughts, ideas, plans, or goals. She just blindly follows her husband and executes whatever he wants. She first has to check with him before doing anything. They have as many kids as HE wants. This usually works best for women who come from broken / bad family environments so they’re easier to manipulate / gaslight from a really young age.

  7. Traditional woman is someone who believes women are inferior to men, believes men should be the leader and head of household, the breadwinner, the protector of his family, and that women are too emotional, irrational, weak, and whatever other things people came up with about women.
    Traditional woman may avoid doing things that she feels will emasculate her man to the public. This may include cooking for him so that he wouldn’t have to cook, quitting her job/career when the family needs a parent at home, because if he’s the one staying home, it’ll make him less of a man.
    The traditional women I know are stay-at-home women who have many children and cook elaborate meals for their husband and kids, and train their daughters on all household chores while letting their sons play video games for hours and be wild. They freak out if their sons touch barbies and if their daughter wear skirts around male family members.
    What do I think about them? I feel sorry for their kids.

  8. The word “tradition” says it all so for me it wouldn’t change from how it used to be but if you meant a progressif aka “modern” woman with traditional values : having her own situation and if ever one day she gets married and have kids then juggling between her career and family life. So nothing very new.

  9. Submissive tradwife who does not do any volunteering or have paid employment, full time housewife who may also do some volunteering for her local church or community groups, religious traditionalist who works to financially support herself while a childless single/widowed or is part of a religious household supported by male relatives.

  10. Me. I am a traditional woman. I enjoy traditional gender roles where men protect and provide. That’s all that I expect a man to do. I am happy with that.

  11. …not paying any household bills is a start. Not allowing a man in my bed just to “see where things go” or because “it feels good” because to me, it does not. If he wasn’t protecting and providing I would have no use for him.

  12. They leave their careers and livelihoods behind to stay at home and pop out kids, their husband is in charge of the household, and their ‘lifestyle’ is probably based in religion and/or conservative social media clout

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