I’m just confused about how people even make friends or build relationships anymore. If people are always on their phones nowadays, I can barely comprehend how others, meet people to begin with. Also isn’t it disrespectful to sit a table where there are people eating and on their phone? I feel like I would be being selfish and invading someone’s privacy. Im so confused…

  1. I don’t know. I’m in uni & I personally am on my phone all the time because I have no one to talk to. So I scroll through sm or listen to music.

  2. Join clubs, classes, social groups, visit a dog park, etc. and then strike up a conversation with someone you find interesting.

  3. Truth be told, some women are not actually attached.

    I’m a female and use my phone to deter people from talking to me.

    Some women get so much unwanted attention that they don’t want to be spoken to at all.

    If the girl is interested, she’ll put her phone down. Don’t push or pry to get her attention.

    Try social gatherings or dating apps. It’s definitely more challenging for men though.

    My boyfriend now, was always on dating apps and very nearly gave up before we found eachother on OkCupid.
    I on the other hand got too much attention.

    It sucks but you have to keep grinding. Have a good relationship with yourself and be fit and independent. Confidence or at least not being desperate is so important in dating.

  4. honestly? You don’t lol

    phone scrollers usually don’t wanna be bothered, and even the ones who do are so painfully difficult to talk to because they either don’t want to keep the conversation going, or can’t keep a conversation going.

    Social life in the 2020s is, quite frankly, not good to say the least lol

    If you’re hot (guy, girl, straight, gay, whatever – doesn’t matter), you might have an easier time as there will always be bold strangers who want to talk to hot people. But even that’s kinda slim pickings because the bold people aren’t exactly the most stable more often than not.

  5. Recently, during lunchtime at school, I was sitting alone (on my phone) and a girl came and sat at my table and we just started talking and then her friends came over and introduced themselves as well. It just takes one bold move to make friends/meet new people, however, I’m someone that tries to avoid such interactions as I stutter sometimes and fumble over my words lol. Regardless, if you can build up the courage, find someone sitting alone on their phone and try talk to them. If they put their phone down to focus their attention on you then I guess that’s a sign to continue talking to them. Sometimes people are on their phones simply because they’re bored. I tend to go on it just to pass time sometimes during my breaks at college. Just yesterday, one of the girls I met the other day, asked me for help on physics (I was on my phone when she asked me) and she apologised for basically disturbing me during my break and I told her how bored I was and that this is probably the most interesting thing I’ve done all day 🙂

  6. Don’t be so hesitant to interrupt people, if they’re that bothered by it they were never gonna be your friend and if they’re not then congrats! You have a chance. No need to be so formal, most people aren’t, just start talking and as long as you aren’t being deliberately disruptive you’ll find somebody who wants to listen.

  7. I cycle and run and swim in groups. Can’t be on phones then 🙂 Lots of nice chatting and endorphins to ease the social anxiety, no pressure to talk if you don’t want. Classes and workshops too. Good fun. I hate phones mostly!

  8. Start small. Make a few extra minutes for yourself when you leave the house. Then have a small conversation with people you meet. Ask a cashier how their day’s going, for example. If you go to the gym, see if the local gym rat can give you a spot. Things like that.

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