My (29M) friend (32M) keeps inviting me to church even though he knows I’m not comfortable going

So we used to be coworkers a couple years ago and stayed friends. We have had a few arguments over the years but we always make up. He is deeply religious, he preaches, very involved in his church. I am not very religious and I even follow a completely different religion.

But about 6 months ago he asked me to go to church with him and I told him i’m not comfortable going to church. So he texts me saying that if he doesn’t want to be friends with someone that doesn’t want to go to church with him since that’s what he likes. He then goes on to say how he always does things he’s uncomfortable with when I decide on what to do when we hangout. I am still confused about that last part, we always have done things we both enjoy.
He blocks me on facebook and all other social media.

After that we stop talking for about 4 months, until I see his dad passed away on facebook (i am friends with his mom). I went to the funeral to pay respects and he was very happy and appreciative that I went.

Things went back to normal after that, we met for coffee for the first time in 5 months, and he apologized and said he regrets what he did. I forgave him and we continued to be back to normal.

That changed this week when on Friday, he asked if I wanted to join him at church, he said he knows i’m uncomfortable but he still wanted to reach out anyways. I told him i had a work event and couldn’t make it.
Then today, Sunday, he texts me asking if I want to join him at his church. He tells me there’s going to be pizza there as if that will change my mind?

What should I do about this friendship?
Clearly, he can’t accept the fact that we have different religious beliefs.
I do enjoy his company when do other activities, not sure if I want to stop talking to him completely.

TL;DR Basically my friend keeps me inviting to church when he knows i don’t enjoy it. Not sure what to going forward.

  1. He’s manipulative, it’s really that simple. He’s never going to stop doing this so it’s up to you whether you want to be friends with someone like him.

  2. I think you have to let this “friendship” go. He’s already told you once that he didn’t want to be friends anymore with someone who doesn’t go to his church, and then he cut you off. It gives me the ick that he’d even ask you to go once, but he keeps on asking. It’s clear that he won’t stop asking (until he again decides he needs to be friends with church-goers only).

  3. Sounds like he’s a proselytizer, and you can’t make people like that stop. He is going to keep trying to convert you. Many Christians do not care that it is extremely rude and invasive to preach your religion at non-believers.

  4. This is odd. Apparently he isn’t taking no for an answer. You can be very clear with him that you are never going to accept his invitation to go to his church, and if that means you can’t be friends, then you guys ought to address that.

  5. Depends on whether you think he can be made to see how inappropriate his behavior is? Maybe invite him to an atheism hangout and see how he reacts.

  6. Ah, gotta love these types that pretend they are religious.

    Their book says Jesus loves everyone. Their book says it’s not up for us to judge, but God.

    Lmao at thinking all it takes to indoctrinate someone is pizza.

  7. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I do not want to come to church right now. Please stop asking. If I ever change my mind and want to come, I will let you know – do not push me or rush me.”

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