How far out until it doesn’t feel like it’s proper to call it Chicago or Portland, Maine or somewhere?

  1. My town is surrounded by other towns and unless you’re paying attention you don’t notice you’ve left one and entered the other. I guess I’d say the end is when the farm fields or mountains are as far as you can see.

  2. I live in NYC. Parts of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens are bougie and rich and to me, makes me feel completely out of place. Same thing for Long Island.

    Staten Island isn’t a real place.

  3. Rough estimate on Google maps – Phoenix metro is over 60 miles across. No break in cities or streets. Hit open desert beyond that. So, pretty huge.

  4. Toronto but people from here also refer to it as the GTA or “Greater Toronto Area” There’s Toronto which it 3.25 million people BUT in reality, the GTA is just one big city of about 7 million people…there’s no border, there’s just a bunch of cities close together that blend into each other…in Canada we call them “regions” so:

    – City of Toronto- Durham- York- Peel-Halton

    Those create the GTA and it’s essentially one big city…most people who work in Toronto commute to work from those regions…so if someone from Canada says to you “I’m from Toronto” ask them “Which part of the GTA?” and they will either tell you the region or a city in the region…and they will probably look at you like “how did you know that??” lol

    Anyway, Toronto is massive, it’s about 7 million people, closer to 8 if you wanted to include Hamilton which is a large city on the border of the GTA

    A lot of Americans seem surprised when they find out how large Toronto is lol

  5. When the suburbs/towns are separated by open space, like fields, rather than being one huge street grid separated by nothing but arbitrary lines on a map.

  6. For me, my city ends at the north most in n out and on the south end of the beach before the road curves. Santa Barbara!

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