TL;DR: My exes stuff is all hand made and I don’t know what to do with it.

Hey, i’m now 4 months into no contact and it’s going really well and im feeling better and thinking less about her which is nice! the only problem is that all of the stuff I have of hers is sentimental to her and all crochet stuff she spent a lot of time making. So id hate to bin it. Either I look bad to be the one to break no contact and tell her Ill drop it off to her or I bin it and look bad because these items she gave me are emotionally expensive and took a lot of time and it’d be a waste to get rid of. But either way I don’t want them.

  1. You could pack everything in a box and bring it to friends of her, her parents, siblings, whoever has contact with her and is relatively close – also geographically I’d say. That way the no contact situation isn’t broken since that seems important to you and you are rid of it.

  2. Do you plan on getting back into contact with her? If not then I suppose bin it? I’m not sure thought as I’ve made my ex loads of handmade stuff, cross stitch and crochet, and I’d much prefer he gave them back to me rather than binning it. That being said, our relationship ended on good terms and he even mentioned how much he would cherish the things I made him so maybe it’s different to your situation.

    For me, anything he’s ever bought me, I have boxed up and in the loft. I’ll throw it out if I ever get the courage to but in my opinion it’s just memories at the end of the day, not doing any harm sitting in the loft.

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