Hello! Please tell me how can I speak confidently on stage or in front of people without crying ?? 😔

  1. Practice in front of the mirror (5-100 times)

    Look at yourself. Focus on voice modulation, expressing yourself, your body language.

    You get better with time.

    This is a journey.

  2. The only way is to keep doing it until you’re more comfortable. I legit hate public speaking and in high school and college, I would turn bright red and lose my voice when trying to speak in front of the class. I’d apologize over and over again to everyone’s annoyance.

    As someone else here said, become a teacher. It is seriously what changed me. I still hate speaking in front of people and can barely look people in the eye but I now do it for my job (I’m not a teacher anymore, it’s a terrible profession) and can’t believe I’ve come this far. Just keep on keeping on and one day you’ll be surprised that you’re doing it without anxiety.

  3. Know your material well enough that you don’t fear forgetting what to say. That always used to be my stumbling block. I was constantly worried about forgetting an important line.

    My CEO at the time told me. Remember. No one knows what you are going to say but you. Totally helped with the anxiety of forgetting a sentence.

    Also. Speak in public as often as possible. Eventually the nerves start to subside and you realise its no more difficult than speaking up at a family dinner.

  4. buy a phone tripod. Record a view of yourself speaking on some subject (does not matter which) .

    View it 5-6 times..and then record yourself say the same thing and see if you are able to make out any difference..


    Modulation can be improved with practice.

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