When I was in high school sophomore I dated this girl for about a year and she ended up breaking up with me because I was insecure that she was being targeted by other guys and couldn’t deal with it. It was both of our first relationships so we couldn’t keep our hands off each other and the PDA was a mess and I cringe hard every time I look back on it and feel sorry for all the people who had to witness. I mention this to give an idea on what kind of relationship it was. After high school I went overseas for university and met my wife who also came from the United States and was studying at the same school. We married after university and I went to do 2 years of post grad and we moved into my hometown. Every few months, I meet up with some of my old friends with high school and get food or go to places we went when we were kids. Two months ago we had a meet up planned and we met up at this bar (my wife didn’t come) and there was this group of about 4 girls who went to my high school who decided to join in and I didn’t know beforehand. One of the girls was my ex. She was all friendly and everything and it was so surreal because we went no contact and all the sudden she was very friendly so I decided to be friendly back. When we went to sit, she decided to sit next to me and talk to me and I was kind of uncomfortable but I went with it. She talked about what she did in university and what her job is and told me she works about an hour away from our hometown and lives there. I mentioned I was married and live in hometown and she laughs really eerily and one of our friends laughed and said “the hell was that laugh”. It was weird but I let it slide and when it was time to say goodbye we all exchanged our instagrams and said our goodbyes and some of us were hugging each other and I reached out for a handshake with my ex and she just hugged me and squeezed me and I was honestly not okay with that. I got home and was too shaken up and shocked with everything to tell my wife about it, and I felt like it would cause her too much worry. 2 weeks later when I was gone for work my ex rang on the doorbell and my wife didn’t answer because she didn’t recognize who it was. A week later after that, she came again but this time said my name but my wife didn’t open the door and instead sent a screenshot from ring doorbell and asked me who that was. I was at work so I didn’t respond and when I got home she was pissed and demanding I tell her who that was so I told her it was my ex and she got mad asking me how she knows my address and the truth is… I DONT FUCKING KNOW. This point my wife is pissed and yelling at me accusing me of bringing her into our house and fucking her so I went to my instagram and dmed her “did you come to my fucking house?!” And she said she wanted to talk to me to get our relationship out of the way and put it in the past… I already put it in the past though… I was showing my wife everything and she was calming down and told me I can talk to her if I meet her at a public place and turn my phone location on while talking to her. So I did that 3 nights ago and met her at a park and she immediately hugs me and I push her off and tell her to stop and don’t do it again or I will go home. She agreed so we started talking and she brings up how I promised her I will marry her when I was fucking 15 and an idiot like I signed it with my blood or something and how she was saving herself to be back with me (which I doubt is true because her friend and her used to go hop bars for fun) and she was telling me I could test her out behind my wife’s back and we could go from there so I just had enough of it and left and told her I will call the cops and sue her if she comes to our property again. I tell my wife I dealt with it when I get home. Then last night she comes and rings the bell at 2 am in the fucking morning and says she’s pregnant and I’m the dad (I didn’t have sex with her). She was yelling it really loud and one of our neighbors actually came out and I was really sick of this shit and just called the cops. She left right before the cops came and the cops did absolutely fucking nothing, now my wife is really angry at me accusing me of having sex with my ex and blaming me for this whole mess and threatening a divorce if my ex isn’t in jail by the end of the month. I’m so tired right now I didn’t even sleep and my wife has beeen constantly yelling at me and I’m just tired and can’t do anything I feel drained and need a break

  1. File a report, get a restraining order, and hire a lawyer for a cease and desist. Block her on every account and block her from your wife’s accounts. Go all out. You screwed up by meeting her alone. Now you have to fix it.

  2. Obligatory all my opinion and mileage my vary

    You are a better man than me.

    First, you need to set your wife straight. I personally do not do well with threats and ultimatums. I currently cant tell between she does not trust you or she just at her breaking point. In nice words, tell her that girl is batcrap crazy and she’s either going to support you through this bad time or she can start packing her shit now. You don’t need that stress on your mind while dealing with a stalker.

    2 cut off all contact with her and possible flying monkeys. All emails. All media. Phone. Tell your friends you need zero contact with her. If she comes to another gathering, you walk straight out of there.

    3. Get a protective/ restraining order against her. You should have enough evidence to have a case.

    4. Get personal protection for you and your wife. I hate to say it, regardless of what happens in step 1, she sounds unhinged. She is now considered a potential threat to you and especially your wife.

    5. (Nuclear) pack up and move. Far away. Make sure your online information is wiped. Type your full name in Google and you can find past and present information like address, emails, numbers, and possible relatives. Don’t tell anyone where you live and possibly close that chapter of your life for good.

  3. “blaming me for this whole mess and threatening a divorce if my ex isn’t in jail by the end of the month.”

    You might remind your wife that you don’t get to control who goes to jail and who doesn’t. You also can’t control crazy which is what your ex is. The best you can do is hire a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter and try to get a restraining order.

  4. You have the doorbell camera footage, right? File a police report for harrassment right now. Get a restraining order. Tell everyone this woman is trying to ruin your life before she tells lies about you. She sounds unhinged so this is probably only the start of your problems sadly. Make sure you have a support system, including your wife .

  5. You should never have met your ex after she came to your house. Any attention to someone like that is an invitation. Also, your ex is likely seriously mentally ill. No contact. Call the police every time she shows up. Also, your wife has some issues too. I mean obviously you all do.

  6. Once you get rid of the ex you should focus on the relationship with your wife, she seems quite toxic if you are in so much fear of telling her things.

  7. That girl is unhinged and seriously mentally ill. You need to get a restraining order immediately. This will calm your wife down. You made your wife doubt you bc you went and exchanged info th this girl after she made you uncomfortable and then met her alone. You should’ve brought your wife along with you to send the point to psycho girl that you’re off limits. Get your friends and family on board to know you’re being harassed. Calm your wife’s fears. And freakin move. This girl won’t stop. She’s mentally ill. Maybe her family needs to know what’s happening. She is legit insane. Like dateline tv show insane.
    Also I said I was going to marry Justin Timberlake in high school. Point is I was 15!!! Holy crab that girl is insane

  8. Breaking this into paragraphs would make this creative writing exercise more readable

  9. She is stalking and harassing, call the police and file for a restraining order.

  10. Is it only me or is something missing/being obscured from this story?

  11. honestly you type as if you’re still 15.
    anyway …..
    this woman has an unhealthy obsession with you and is trying to destroy your marriage. and your wife is obviously insecure enough to believe her and not have your back on this. tell this woman over text to stop contacting you immediately and block her. change your phone #. then file a police report for every time this girl has contacted you, even retroactively. save all ring footage of her coming to your house. then show your texts, call history, police reports and ring videos to a lawyer and see how they recommend to legally proceed.

    consider getting personal protection. you may have to move to get away from this if it gets bad enough – not saying this will happen but it could.

    good luck.

  12. For the problems you & your wife are having, you’re mostly at fault for not communicating with her about your ex. You never even told her about your encounter with your ex until that woman had to come to your door twice.

    Get the footage and press charges on your ex. If nothing is done with her then she’ll do everything in her power to ruin the life you’ve built. She’s ruining your marriage, trying to tarnish your reputation, next thing you’ll know she’ll turn your old classmates against you and get you in trouble at work.

    Do your old classmates know what she’s doing? Has she said anything to them?

  13. You fucked up when you weren’t open with your wife about her being at the bar the night you all exchanged Instagrams, now she’s probably thinking what else is he not open with me about. Just get a restraining order on the ex. She sounds like the type to stalk/murder.

  14. This sub is quickly becoming r/nothingeverhappens , especially when it paints women in a negative light (for some reason..)

    Every comment is like, this fake!

  15. You were too disturbed and shaken up by the first meeting that you didn’t tell your wife that night…but you didn’t tell her later either, so I’m calling bullshit on your story.

    If she eventually has a baby in a few months, demand DNA testing. That will be the only way to prove your innocence in your wife’s eyes.

    One of the confusing bits is that when you were with the ex-girlfriend, she broke up with you because you were so jealous, which is generally considered to be the projection of a person who is the cheater.

    Hopefully this works out for you. But for God’s sakes man, if you hooked up with your ex, you need to give your wife a full mea culpa now. Don’t wait for the birth of that baby.

  16. 1 mistake is that you did not record every interaction you had with her. All of this could have been solved if you recorded what happened and what was talked about in the park

  17. Troll and bait post to paint women in a bad light

    No replies, horrible storytelling, not even a throwaway Reddit name or a random generated one, this account’s probably farming karma so it can go into one of those political subs

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