I labeled myself as a shy introvert in my early 20’s. With that I struggled social anxiety and lack of friends. In 2019, I received a photojournalist job where I would interview anyone from politicians to strangers. This was a huge obstacle; I could barely maintain eye contact! It was hell at first, but fast forward to 2023, I am confidently walking up to any stranger or governor and have a quick conversation. I’ve improved a lot socially.

This reflection made me realize, I do have some natural charisma. My family is naturally charismatic so I like to believe I have some of that.

Now, I’m making a career change. My brother is starting up a successful cleaning franchise and he’ll be recruiting my experienced dad who will do operations, and me with minimal experience in the industry. He wants me to make sales and maintain clients. Cool, I’m confident enough to walk to anyone and make a sales pitch. My biggest issue now is making those strangers into friends and maintaining relationships. I don’t have a lot of friends. I’m better at short talk, not 1 on 1 lunch conversations. I’m supposed to check up on regular clients and take them out for lunch. I see the goal is to make more connections so I can find more work. But I feel the only person I can have a long conversation with is my wife. My dad and brother are helping me learn the business and sales. They are very experienced but it’s hard to open up about my conversation skills.

What’s some advice you have for these situations? Anybody in sales have a similar experience?

I started reading this book “How to win friends and influence people”. I heard good things about it. 1 chapter in and I see the wisdom in it.

1 comment
  1. On top of that book, id suggest cultivating a meditation practice so that you can overcome any anxiety and nerves you feel regarding these situations and your responsibilities

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