My bf said that I’m a “dead fuck”. He said he doesn’t have an issue with it but I want to get better at having sex with him because he really knows what he’s doing and I’m super inexperienced. It doesn’t make me insecure but I kind of want to be better in bed for him.

  1. Not sure what a “dead fuck” is supposed to mean but it doesn’t sound entirely nice. Not sure why you think it would be acceptable for your BF to say things like that. Seems to me that’s a bigger issue personally.

  2. Practice 🤷🏽‍♂️ but seriously communicate. It seems pretty insulting if that’s how it was said but maybe see what you all like and try that.

  3. good on you that you want to improve

    I would read a couple of books on sex. Then practice on your boyfriend.

    you can also ask what type of activities and practices and positions he likes. Once he gives you positive feedback you can learn about sexy bedroom talk, teasing, and seduction.

    I hope this man is worth your efforts

  4. Ask him to practice on him☠️🤣 it sounds stupid but I’ve done that with inexperienced girls before and it’s really fun after awhile. He may learn some things he doesn’t know he likes and you’ll learn some things too. Plus you’ll both be able to connect more during sex

  5. Also, I do want to add that there are some positions/ ñ techniques that id like to try in bed, but the few times I’ve mentioned them to him, he’ll try it for like two minutes and then immediately put me back how he wants me

  6. Dude is an ass clown. I’m down for practicing 🤣. Seriously though, if he knew what he was doing…we wouldn’t be having this post

  7. Ask him what he likes and what his fantasies are and what you are comfortable trying it should be fun use your imagination!

  8. Well.. by having sex.

    But to answer better, forget about penetration, even when it’s happening.. you have an entire body at your disposal,. Touch him more, move your hips, arch your back, wrap your legs around him, coil your toes, match your breathing to his, slow it down, maintain eye contact, try and have as much of your skin in contact with his, communicate, moan, whisper, scream or say anything but just make sound..

    But… do not fake it. Let it come naturally, treat it almost like a dance.. a hot sweaty dance 😂 but get into the rhythm of it.

  9. A better man would simply teach you things, not call you a “dead fuck” ew 🤨 You only get better with experience there’s no real learning material. Tell him you want to improve and ask him to teach you what he wants you to do, or just tell you… I guess, not like he deserves it though 🙄

  10. I had a same issue when I started sex with my wife but then we discovered which helps with the different ways of pleasure on bed.
    You can check it out. To be honest me and my wife found it interesting and helpful.

  11. Tbh you can have all the experience in the world and still not have a clue about the female anatomy.
    He’s shitty in bed not you to be fair.
    He should be coaching you not belittling you.
    He should be letting you be in control so you can find out what you like and coach him.
    He sounds like he’s a lazy fuck in bed 🤷‍♂️

  12. According to urban slang, a dead fuck is a girl who lays there motionless and just stares at you. Shows no emotion, no sound. If that’s not you, sounds like cruel words. Good on you for trying to be better.

  13. He’s projecting his issues on you because if you were generally turned on by him, filled with passion, it will come through in your performance. He’s not turning you on enough to respond with more than the dead fuck.

  14. I think what it means is he needs more movement from you, you need to be using your hips more! Not him moving your body and his body for you!

  15. Start doing things with your legs and thighs like wrapping around his body and pull them closer. And squeeze

  16. Communicate with him, you can ask “Do you like this?” “Did you like when I [insert what you’re unsure of]?” “What would you like me to do?” “If there’s one thing you want me to prioritize getting better at, what would that be?” etc

  17. making noise, holding him to you, grabbing him where you want, kissing him, etc. would help. It takes practice though, the more you do it- the better it gets typically.

  18. Sex is not just about making some moments memorable.If emotions are not used freely during sex, it is always incomplete۔The basis of sex is romance and the end of sex is to explain the feelings in words and its reality and 3rd and last thing when you describe romance and feelings openly, then after all the veils of shame are removed, the legs. You will rise above it, then the end will be perfect.

  19. Who are these people you people are dating? I can’t imagine telling someone I care about that they’re a “dead fuck” to their face.

  20. Learn what he likes and dislikes and try to add some of that to what you do. Fuck him back. Move your hips towards him when he’s stroking. Moan a bit when he does something that feels good. Put your hands on him, feel him, caress him. Show enthusiasm. Take the lead sometimes and decide the position. Surprise him and randomly give him oral sex. Be on top and ride him sometimes.

  21. Pag di marunong turuan 🤣 my partner use to make me crave for him more the more na nag cecrave ka the more na nag gigive in the more na gumagaling haha. Mas maganda kung laging excited sayo jowa mo my god haha

  22. A “dead fuck”? Are you serious?

    It wasn’t directed at me so why do I feel insulted? And here you are making an effort to please… Him? Why do you females find the worse guy around and then stay?

  23. Why are you even with this guy after he called you a ‘deadfuck’.🤯 Have some respect for yourself homie,there are several different things he could have said that would’ve been more appropriate and got the point across,but instead he chose to call you what he called you.

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