To be clear, this not why I am doing NC, but I am curious if there are high chances, if at all, of NC causing an ex to come back, particularly when the ex was the dumpee rather than the dumper (you had no choice but to break up with them due to certain reasons such as them not changing certain behaviours towards you, but still love them & hope for them to change their ways to save the relationship). It has been about 3 weeks now, & I wish he would care about the relationship enough to reach out & promise he will try to work on some of his ways/his treatment towards me.

For additional background, we were together for 4 years, travelled to numerous countries together, including his home country, where he introduced me to his entire family including parents, siblings, relatives, friends, etc. I stayed with his parents for several weeks. We planned on dating to marry in the near future & start a family one day. Our relationship even remained strong after over a year of long distance, often sacrificing other events to make the relationship priority & flying to the other side of the world to see each other as often as work/university life/money allowed us to.

Td;lr- Does NC cause ex to come back even in specific circumstances where you broke up with them as the last resort, but still have great feelings for them? If so, how long does it tend to take?

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