If you ever had a physical fight, as an adult, what happened?

  1. I’ve always tried to just duck out because it’s true you win every fight you walk (run) away from.
    Was in an incident in a bar but it was really someone else’s fight and I didn’t land a punch. So yeah. I haven’t been in a fight since school.

  2. Been in a few as an adult, a shit ton as a teenager. I wrestled in high school, and have been boxing for 20+ years, but still, if I’m not drunk or just pissed off I’m kicking you in the nuts and walking away.

  3. The last time I got into a fight was because as the party at my house ended and people were leaving(2-3am)…this one guy who I already didn’t like decided to call drunk me the n word about 25 too many times for my liking so I proceeded to beat the shit out of him in my kitchen.

  4. if you’d consider 18 an adult, i stomped the absolute fuck out of a guy at a party i was at after watching him put some pill in my girlfriends drink. i walked over there, asked what he put in there, he ignored me and tried to walk away, slammed him on the ground, punched him a few times, then my steel toe boots collided perfectly with his face.. 4 or 5 times lol. i checked his pockets and he had pills that looked similar to a percocet but didn’t have any engravings on them. i spit on him, he got kicked out of the party, then we went on about our night. this happened a year ago. i saw the guy in walmart a couple of weeks ago and he put his head down and picked up his walking pace. what a puss. good times lol

  5. Some guy was getting really creepy with my brothers girl. I respectfully told him that she was taken care of and his services were no longer required. He said he’d do whatever the fuck he wanted to which I said back fuck the off dude. He left and some scrawny dipshit came up to me and was like “you know who that was bro? That was my cousin” and I said “I don’t give a fuck who he is. What’s up?” Then he pushed me and I pushed him back and he fell over and I started beating his ass. Then three other losers ganged up on me and started wailing on me. So I beat the dipshits ass then got my ass beat. Oh well.

  6. Twice. Drunk guy spit in my drink. Knocked him off his bar stool and punched him on the ground twice to get my point across.
    The second was in a road rage incident he caused but blamed me for. He cut me off in the turn lane. Gave him a small honk and raised my arms and shook my head. Apparently that was go time. Knocked him on his ass and he ran back to his car. I don’t like fighting anymore, but I got into more than a few scraps in my teen years and did boxing in highschool. I will defend myself, but prefer to leave it to words.

  7. Not necessarily a fight but… I went to a party a few years back after getting invited by some acquaintances. Turned out to be a pretty shady party. Lots of drugs, some meth heads bouncing around. There was this one girl there that smiled at me, so I smiled back. A few minutes later, one of the tweakers came from behind, grabbed my throat and stabbed me in the stomach with a utility knife with a razor blade.

    The cut was small and shallow but clean. I shoved the guy off me, wrestled him a lil with the knife and broke his arm. I got up and got the fuck outta there quick. Had some super glue in my truck so I put that on the cut and went home.

  8. Real life fights suck man

    As someone that grew up in a rough, lower income city, the concept of fighting was a totally normal thing. I got jumped for my iPod when I was 12 and got my ass beat. And through college there’d be moments in my circle of friends where we’d get into stupid drunk fights, with other fellow idiots

    Honestly, I don’t even want to talk about it, because I don’t want to glorify the concept to others.

    Lots of teenagers and risk averse 20 somethings have these boners for thinking that just because they take MMA classes that they’re itching for someone to test them. And almost every single time, it doesn’t lead to anything that’s worth talking about or viewing in a positive light

  9. At 19, I had to put a young blood in his place bc I decided to take a group ppl I knew (HS aged) out in the new whip. They all wanted to try and drive my car, but the one kid got mad that I wouldn’t let him. He threw my phone, so I peeled off without him, and when he called one of the other ppl, he said he would “slap the shit out of him.” I promptly stopped the car, got out and handled business. He eventually grabbed a scooter and tried to hit me with it, but I blocked it with my palm, broke it in half, and we all decided to just go home. I proceeded to stop hanging out with everyone.

  10. Someone tried mugging me at an ATM a few years ago, I slammed him head-first into the ground and kicked/stomped him a few times. Realizing I probably went a bit too far and was on video I ran away, leaving him there unconscious.

  11. 1. Squared up with my early 20’s arch nemesis after we had an altercation at a party. Our legs got tangled and he was able to wrestle me down and beat my ass (we’re besties now)
    2. 2-3 fights during soccer games. Shit-talking —> aggressive play —> bad tackle —> punches thrown. These are more “rumbles” where you just have to be careful not to get cheap shotted

  12. Yes, more than one, most of them got broken up before anyone got hurt BUT one time I completely fu#ked a guy up outside of a strip club…he and my buddy who was much smaller than the guy were chirping at each other in the club, once we left he followed us out and got in my friends face (my friend’s not a fighter and is small) I stepped in and said “If you fuck with him you have to deal with me, lets all just chill out and go home” we turned around to walk away and the guy blindsided me with a fist in the back of the head, I turned around and we both just started going at it, I caught him with a couple of nice shots and completely dropped him with one, then I started punching him on the ground and his friends dragged me off and started trying to kick and punch me…I managed to get up and somehow get into a car and speed off

    Fighting sucks, even if you’re good at it, it’s not fun, you get hurt even when you win, and it kind of ruins your night…I don’t enjoy fighting at all, and anyone who tells you they enjoy it is either lying or they’re a fucking psychopath…I’ve been in plenty of fights and I never feel good about it…you basically get a massive adrenalin pump, you don’t feel shit in that moment, you go into “fight or flight” mode, and after when you calm down you realize you have a concussion, or your hands fuckin swollen, and you have cuts all over or a black eye that you don’t even remember getting lol it’s shitty

    Don’t get into fights unless you have to protect yourself or a loved one, and stay away from shitty friends who pick fights…I cut those people out of my life

  13. Walking out of a gas station at 3AM buying cigarettes. Guy walked over and pulled a gun on me, “give me your wallet.” I laughed and told him, “I just bought cigarettes with quarters, I don’t have a wallet.” as I showed him a handful of quarters.

    I had just gotten change inside and asked for a couple bucks in quarters to run the vacuum on the inside of my car.

    I held out the quarters and said, “this is literally all I have, it’s yours man.” He looked pissed mumbled a couple fucks. Right at that moment a car full of people pulled into the gas station blasting music, he turned his head to look still pointing the gun in my face.

    It was as if time slowed down almost the next couple seconds felt like hours. I could see the safety on the gun was off, he could absolutely shoot me. His head was completely turned, he was distracted. I decided it was now or never, so I hit the gun as hard as I could to my right and stepped to my left. Gun flys out and hits the wall, and the guy jumps on top of me. We rolled around on the floor a bit, I’m not 100% sure what happened but afterwards looking at the security footage when we fell he banged his head on the concrete and knocked out.

    I got up and the people in the car had turned down the music and were staring at me. I immediately realized they didn’t see the gun, they just saw
    us fighting and me get up. I looked over and the gas station attendant had locked the door and was on the phone, I’m assuming calling 911.

    The people in the car started yelling at me like I was the bad guy, and started walking towards me. It was 3 guys. I thought to myself fuck this, I jumped in my car and left. Drove a couple blocks down and pulled into an empty parking lot and called 9/11.

    Cop came to where I was and took a statement. Apparently the guy at the gas station woke up right after I left got up grabbed the gun and took off. He was arrested a couple hours later in someone’s backyard. A lady saw him while she was getting ready for work, just chilling in her backyard and called the cops.

  14. I was involved in one fight as an adult- some actual neo-nazi’s started a fight with my friend (he had an anti-racist sweatshirt on), thinking he was alone. It didn’t last long and wasn’t a huge fight or anything. It didn’t go well for the nazi’s- they didn’t have much interest in a fair fight so they didn’t really know what to do when we all jumped in. They ended up with some black eyes and we had a couple of torn shirts.

  15. Twice, I beat my former best friend up at his 21st birthday after too many years of being a douche bag, especially oh his birthday. Then when one of my friends was getting jumped by 3 dudes, one more of my friends jumps in then 6 more of those guys jump in next thing you know it’s like 10-15 on 4. I came out basically unscathed because I was DD and everyone else was drunk so I just fought dirty.

  16. My brother and I were play fighting and I stopped he goes, “I won!” I go no I didn’t want to push you into that glass table, Years, later he pushes me into the end table by the hall right on the corner edge,and it strikes me in the back of my head. Everyone from the police to the doctor told me I should press charges. Doctor said 1 more inch and you’d be dead. The bleeding was so excessive I couldn’t stop it. I waited put pressure on it but it just kept going. I called my aunt and she took me to the hospital. Had to get stitches.

  17. My last proper fight started as a friendly wrestling match as a E3 against and E4. He started to lose and striking me in the face. We were separated without me striking him- he gloated while most people called him out on his bad form. My platoon knew me as a numbskull that didn’t feel anything from a fist fight so the general feeling from my mates was that he was lucky he was an NCO

  18. I was trying to get my buddy to stop antagonizing the dönor stand guy who was trying to close shop after we’d already gotten our food and some of the shop owner’s friends started getting involved. We were both completely hammered and I just wanted to walk to the cab stand while eating and he wanted to pick a fight.

    Barely had time to register that the option to keep him (and myself) out of a fight had been lost before a bunch of hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me to the ground and then a bunch of feet started administering percussive maintenance on my body.

    God damn you, Cory

  19. In general my country is very safe, so you don’t see fights with knives involved or people shooting each other with guns.

    Anways, at a bar some random drunk dude came by our table multiple times trying to annoy my friends and when we told him to fuck off, he dropped the “outside, NOW.” I agreed, cause I was quite (falsely) confident with my karate (cringe I know) training I can just let him get tired and push him away.

    He did hit me with a haymaker right in the door, but he also tragically slipped on the half frozen ground and slammed his head real hard. I didn’t have to will to beat him up, since he probably already had a concussion – there were a few inches of snow to break his fall. He got real confused after he came to and didn’t want to fight anymore, so I called him an ambulance and said he slipped and I found him while going outside for a smoke.

    A lot real world fights are just kinda sad.

  20. pre cell phones.

    Fighting was so common I thought violence was normal. I bet I was in at least a dozen fights late teens early 20’s.

    Had 4 trips the emergency room, of which 3 of those fights I flat out one.
    The first trip lead to major plastic surgery on my lower lip. Fucker was wearing a studded ring when he cracked me. Took the surgeon 4 hours to stitch up my face.

    I had fast hands and you wouldn’t expect me to have knock out power or even want to throw down. I was quick to strike first. There’s not ref when your fighting in alley or even a bar.

    Dumb asses would start talking shit right in my face and I would head butt them right across the bridge of their nose. It’s not like the movies, when you see them laying unconscious with blood flowing all over their face.

    I tomahawked a big guy with a full beer, luckily the bottle broke or I could have killed him.
    His buddy’s beat the shit out and I had to fight my way out of the bar.

    Had a vendetta where 3 guys corned me outside my house because I beat up their cousin.
    I dropped one of them, then I got pistoled whipped and completely knocked out. When I was laying on the ground, they were beating me a stick and thought they were shooting me because I could just feel sharp points of pain.

    Last fight I was 22 and it was against a rugby team and we (about 10 of us) went into the parking lot to fight. During that fight I picked up a brick and I was going to do permanent damage and at the last minuted dropped it.

    In that split second I realized i was going to end up killing someone. Have not fought since and I’m pushing 50 year old.

    Every morning I look in the mirror, that big scar under my lip reminds me of the shit life i came of age in. As I get older, I’ve noticed some cognitive issues that could easily be from the blows I took to the head.

    I have kids and I’ve made sure to raise them in a good community where it’s cool to be smart.
    No knuckle head shit for them.

  21. Yeah, it was a bar brawl. A guy was just about to hit one of my buddies over the back of the head with a pool cue. My buddy had his back turned. So I tackled the guy and knocked him out. Then the brawl started. After I knocked him out one of his friends started beating on me. Then we went at it a bit until the bouncer broke it all up.

    I got a black eye, bruised ribs, and my hands hurt for a few weeks.

    No legal consequences, everyone got kicked out of the bar and left before the police could arrive.

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