Why do guys do this?

Literally, out of no where.

Just started talking to someone. No dates yet.
Met at my old job, he was a regular, (coffee shop) and we mildly flirted.

Exchanged #’s texted a few times – just regular stuff – nothing super flirty or sexual whatsoever.
One short phone call – again just regular stuff – not even really flirting. We left it at he would call or text soon, and we would get together sometime soon.
Then out of nowhere he texted me tonight – 5 dick picks and a “free Friday night 😘” Nothing more. Glad my 12 year old son didn’t see my phone 😬
No dude. I am not that girl.

It’s just so disappointing. I thought he was NORMAL. I never talk to any guys, I don’t date. I was super excited because I thought I might get to out on a date for the first time in YEARS.
I’m a f*ing 51 year old single mom. And he’s a grown ass 42 year old man.
But nope. He just wanted to f*ck.

That’s it. I am done.

  1. He hasn’t grown up yet,not every man is a dog .Hopefully that didn’t change your mind about dating?

  2. Either get a strap on and send a selfie back wearing it or send him back 5 dick pics off the internet.

  3. As a man, i do not understand it either. Even if they were trying to find quick casual sex, that’s very likely a terrible strategy. My best guess is they’re trolling.

  4. Yeah..the unsolicited is so strange. Now, if requesting one…I may be game. I just would never lead with a boner pic.

    Along the lines of bigger…you should have like a go to like “oh it’s adorable, is it name *enter some flaw(crooked, tiny, baby carrot)*

  5. Dicks are ugly….I feel like Gonzo every time I look down. Dick pics are fine when they are wanted, lol. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that an unsolicited pic worked for though.

  6. Because it leads to sex at least 60% of the times which is high ratio compared to nice guy strategy

  7. Move to Denmark. We have laws against this. So all unwanted nude pics can be reported and they will be fined.

  8. I’m 22, Male, and I don’t ever send without consent. Mostly because I know it’s incredibly weird to send without consent, and I’ve blocked girls for sending me nudes because consent is so important, I’d rather have consent than just BAM, TITTIES

  9. When I meet someone online it won’t be long before I say I won’t ask for nudes or send them.
    That kind of thing can wait. It’s a maturity thing some dudes take a long time to get

  10. I never understood the unsolicited dick pics thing. I never sent one unless I was asked. It’s rude and a clear lack of respect for boundaries. The dating scene isn’t looking all too appealing to me either. I considered getting back in the saddle but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I feel like it’ll just be a repeat of the same old thing.

  11. The reason that they are acting like this is the fact that they grew up on the internet and a combination of peer pressure and instant gratification gives them an unearned sense of entitlement. They don’t have the people skills to talk to you in person they would literally be a stuttering sweating train wreck, and they grew up playing Saints Row and GTA and then moved on to cam girls and they think every girl they encounter is just like the ones that they were exposed to when they first started watching internet pornography. So use it as a way to weed out Beyond desirables because somebody that’s worth going out with knows that intimate exchange of photos is something that has to be given to you then it’s not something you request like it’s a resume as if you were somebody that warranted that kind of demand for that you assume that girl is dying to see your dick pics
    I’m No Angel by any means, and I could give Rasputin a run for his money. But I didn’t grow up on the internet and I know how to give a girl a sincere compliment on one of the little things that everybody overlooks because all they know is” nice tits let me see that ass”
    So if he doesn’t compliment you on your smile or your eyes or that you look great without a ton of makeup on and you’re not doing that duck face pose, just scrape him off your shoe and move on

  12. Normal guys don’t do this. If he did this then it’s because he wants sex, not a relationship.

  13. A man with no decorum is who sends pictures like that. I’m sorry for you and a bulk of the female population that has to deal with the man children who do this. All of you deserve better.

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