This is utterly embarrassing and disgusting to admit. I have had multiple dreams of my parents. I am bisexual so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. Does anyone have any advice or have went through something similar? I just want to feel less alone in this.

  1. I too had it once but only with my dad… And it was anal, I remember… I googled and apparently having sex dreams about someone doesn’t mean you want to sleep with them literally but you want your bond to grow stronger and you’re worried your bond is getting weaker. Maybe that could be the reason?

  2. Sigmond Fraud, said all boys want to sleep with their mothers. I don’t know if that’s completely accurate, but boys tend to dream about sex with their mother (what he suggests). I think it’s in the interpretation, that boys will seek a partner that best reflects their mother. I agree with a comment earlier, it may mean wanting to strengthen a bond between you and your parents.

  3. dreams are just dreams, brains do weird stuff, don’t worry about it

    edit: sorry i wrote this comment really quickly and didn’t realize it comes across kind of callous. what i meant was that you aren’t gross and haven’t done anything wrong, this wasn’t your fault. eventually it’ll stop happening and fade from your memory 🙂

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