Two of my friends mentioned they’re dealing with financial difficulties. I’m currently able to spare some money & I want to help them because why not? Only thing is I don’t want them to feel like I pity them or see them as inferior in any way. I also really want to them to accept it because they’re both very humble & independent lol

  1. It’s not weird, but it’s something you’d want to talk to them about first because not everyone would feel good about it. This is a very nice thing you want to do! If I were you I might consider saying hey, I know how hard you’ve been working lately and I just wanted to help you out a bit, can I get you a (favorite grocery store) gift card or something? And then you could load it up with however much you want, because everyone’s got to eat.

  2. Don’t do it. It won’t change things for them and it can cause resentment on both sides. Unless you’re gifting a life changing sum then find non monetary ways to help/support.

  3. It’s not weird, but it’s also not recommended either. Because they might become dependent on your support and that could get ugly real quick.

  4. dont do it. treat them to things instead, buy dinner, pay for movie tickets etc. you could also buy yourself gift cards to the restaurant and say you won it at work or got it from your grandma if you really want to obscure it

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