Loyalty, honest, trustworthy, funny…What sticks out foryour in making new friends?

  1. all my friends are funny, interesting, honest, drama free, and tolerant and i couldnt be friends with someone who isnt all this.

  2. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Any rare person who meets this criteria is a friend. All others are acquaintances.

  3. Moral values.

    I know it’s not as fun as similar interests, or making sure they are adding value to my life by being funny, entertaining, or simply a joy to be around.

    Morals last longer. Interests sway and change. Morals take longer to change/sway. Sharing the same values makes every interaction worth while, IMHO.


  4. A few things are a must for me:

    – Common interests

    – Honest, down to earth person

    – Good listener and can lead and be part of a conversation

  5. positive, and genuine energy.

    loyalty comes first, though that isn’t something that isn’t established until later.

  6. I don’t really have friends because I’m a very solitary guy (not in an edgelordy way, I just don’t like being around people very often), but I get along with almost everyone. For me, it’s not so much about what I look for, it’s what I refuse to tolerate. I can overlook a lot of character flaws, but I refuse to tolerate abusers or bigots (racists, sexists, homophobes, etc.) in my life. I can find a way to at least be civil with almost everyone else.

  7. Someone who’s up for whatever


    Someone who intellectual engrossing

    Asking for both is a pipe dream

  8. 1) Not being a sociopath, sadist, racist, misogynist, misanthrobe, homophobic, animal abuser……you know. An absence of the things that makea someone not-a-good-person. You could be the funniest person most interesting person imaginable, but if you spend your weekends badger baiting or shouting insults at gay people then I wouldn’t want anything to do with you.

    2) shared interests; good sense of humour; supportive of people in general; able to hold an interesting conversation; emotional and intellectual maturity.

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