I am still so baffled. I have this co-worker (let’s call him C) who is one of the few people who has never made an effort to interact with me and any effort I’ve made was met with a dry response + hurried exit. For the year that we’ve worked together there’s only been a handful of times we’ve even been in the same vicinity as each other. I always found it weird because we have mutual friends so you would think at some point we’d find something to talk about/ get along but it never happened. Sometimes we’ve even been in the same convo with our mutual friends and he would ignore me and only talk to our friends. Usually with other coworkers we’re all cordial enough to greet each other or smile when we pass each other in the halls, even if we don’t know each other, but with him he refuses to even make eye contact with me. All in all, he just seemed to be completely indifferent towards my presence.

I didn’t think much of it honestly bc it’s not a requirement to be friends with all your co-workers, so I figured he just didn’t like me for some reason. But recently, a mutual friend of ours told my closest friend at work that C is “infatuated” with me. When she asked him to explain further he just said that C is “obsessed” with me and has a crush on me. I was so shocked to find this out. The thing is, I always thought he was cute and based on things I’ve heard from our mutual friends we have a lot in common. I just have never had any indication that he would even be interested in having a conversation with me much less have a crush on me. He can’t even make eye contact with me for pete’s sake!

I really don’t know what to do bc he’s so hard to talk to! And also, it’s so confusing to me that he’s apparently “infatuated” with me but never makes an effort to talk to me. I really want to get to know him but I just don’t know how to approach. What do I do?

  1. If the friend is right then it’s probably a massive dose of fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of intimacy. Fear that you may be a vampire. Whatever it is, you have him terrified.

    Approach him. Talk to him. Ask him for help with something. See if you can calm him down. I don’t know how much effort it will take. Could take more than you’ll want to invest.

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