Hey all, throwaway account for obvious reasons!

So, I have been with my significant other for \~2years and things are good. Not great, but fine. I am getting to the point where I feel like I can and should strive for more than fine in a long-term partner, and I also realize I have been ignoring some future red flags/dealbreakers because it was easier than addressing or realizing hard truths. For a mix of anxiety and hectic life reasons, I haven’t brought up these thoughts/broken up with my SO yet, but I realize every day that it will continue to weigh on me until I do.

Enter “G” (26F) who is an acquaintance that I have made and now is a friend who reminds me of many of the ideal qualities that I would like in a SO. I have met up with G a few times to do some work and those times have honestly been the highlight of my week/month. It has never come up in conversation, but should I tell G that I am currently in a relationship? Further, if I do, should I tell G how incredible I think she is and that my relationship very likely has a near end date?

I don’t want to do wrong by anyone in the picture here, but I am absolutely smitten with G and would have already asked her out if I was single. At the same time, her friendship and meeting up to work has helped me through some very difficult weeks, so I would hate (for selfish reasons, I suppose) to risk losing that friendship. I would never cheat on my current SO, but in my mind right now I am at the point of having to work out how/when I bring up difficult discussions with her while trying to be as conscious of the difficult schedule that she is currently maintaining.

Tl;dr- 26M with 27F for \~2years and I am realizing that she is not the life partner for me. I have really connected with G (26F) but while currently at a friendship, I am not sure if or how I should tell her that I am in a relationship that will soon be over.

Thank you all in advance for your help, and please be nice! I am trying very hard to treat everyone with due respect and fairness in this scenario!

1 comment
  1. You need to break up with gf quickly. You getting close to emotionally cheating and she will figure it out if you start dating this G immediately.

    If you try to date G in the future, it will look weird if it comes out you have just recently broken up with a gf that she knew nothing about if you two were close. She will think you aren’t over her, or she’s the other woman, or probably several other things.

    Be sure you aren’t breaking up with gf just simply bc you are infatuated with this G. Make sure you will be ok being alone if you and G don’t work out

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