People in my class have noticed (its only been 4 weeks) and they are calling me out for it, mockingly saying “why are you so depressed, you should smile” or “do you need help”.

I am guessing I look pathetic af. Now, I do actually think I am depressed, things are not going well in my life however I want to look “normal”. I have dark eye bags too even though i fixed my sleep schedule months ago and been getting minimum 7-8hrs sleep each night. I am uncomfortable with smiling and find my smile even mocking/creepy.

People calling me out for looking “sad and depressed” feels so bad, what can I do?

  1. >why are you so depressed, you should smile

    People in your class look massively dumb and inconvenient.

    Get away from these toxic people and start to worry about your mental health instead of looks.

  2. Getting in shape always helps. I really fall apart if I don’t get at least 4 workouts a week in, and I’ve decided that more is better because the past few months have not been very good. If you don’t consider yourself a sporty person, you can change that.

    Cutting toxic behaviors as well. I tend to binge game and that fucks up my vibe massively.

    And you can train your mimickry. If you have mirrors that you often see you can adjust your expression so it’s nicer. Plenty of people smile naturally, but if you’re not one of those people you can try getting your inner positive feelings more in touch with your face. If you feel good, that could very naturally show on your face! That’ll make other people like you more.

    So as the other commenter aluded to, it’s not something superficial. But investing in yourself will help and there’s directed things you can do to get rid of this specific thing.

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