In what ways do you relate more with women than men?

  1. In most ways, frankly.

    It isn’t that I think men are bad either, but the social pressures lead to a level of disconnection and lack of social support that’s way harder to deal with, honestly

  2. Most ways. While I’m not a feminine presenting person, men don’t generally make much sense to me, and I don’t have any strong connection to what it means to be masculine. Women are easier for me to relate to, and I like having friends that I can be emotionally vulnerable with, which is rarer with men in my experience.

  3. It’s kind of context specific but with my in laws I have a way easier time socializing with the women.

    Most of the dudes and I don’t have anything in common. Its mostly church, golf, football and hunting which I could fake my way through if I needed to but it’s less boring to go help with setup/teardown, cook, yak about kids and cooking, whatever with the women.

  4. While I professionally get along with women, I’ve always found it easier to connect with men on a personal level. However, I only get along with certain types of men— usually the ones who are not “bros” into partying, drinking heavily, womanizing, and who talk about sports. Perhaps I lean towards being more sensitive than some men, which might be a trait some associate with women. Yet, my friendships have been predominantly male-oriented, driven largely by shared interests like video games, cars, and building PCs. This isn’t to imply that women can’t share these interests; I just haven’t encountered many who do. Since getting married, the dynamics of forming close friendships with women have become trickier. While my wife trusts me implicitly, I sense she’d be uncomfortable with me spending one-on-one time with another woman, especially if she’s attractive. Furthermore, I feel more at ease expressing myself around men without fearing misunderstandings that could potentially lead to unintended offenses or workplace complications. Practical aspects, like sharing a room during vacations, sharing a bathroom, or changing in front of each other, are also simpler with male friends. I find a shared understanding with men regarding our male experiences, allowing for open discussions and idea exchange, to be easier. While I do value interactions with women, especially with my wife and family, if given a choice, my close friendships would predominantly be only with men.

  5. I have quite a passive and unassertive personality. I’m pretty meek and more of a follower than a leader.

  6. Zero interest in sports, no interest in cars, can’t stand action movies (especially DC/Marvel shit), just pretty much not into typical guy shit.

  7. I wanna squeeze their boobs and grab their big butts.

    Not sure if that answers the question but that’s my answer.

  8. At work I get along better with women any day. I get either intimidated by men at work or I just don’t want to play the game because most are trying to Game Of Thrones their way around the office

  9. Women are just easier to talk to, ya know? Like they actually listen and care about what you have to say. Plus, they don’t judge you for being emotional or sensitive. Men can be so closed off sometimes, it’s like talking to a brick wall.

  10. Probably only on reddit but the whole “men dont complement other men” thing. My friend group is always building each other up and telling each other we look good.

  11. Women tend to mature faster than men, and I matured a lost faster than most of my male peers. At a result, most of the friends I’ve made are female.

  12. I can relate with women, but never more than men. I mean if we’re talking about the majority of course. How could I? I can certainly empathize with the difficulties they have in workplaces and have seen a lot of sexual harassment personally in offices. I never related with the pricks doing that and I don’t think the majority of men would either.

    I find women to be easier to party with than men maybe? A bit wilder, less concerned of public opinion perhaps? That’s about it…

  13. I think I process emotions and approach relationships with people (not just romantic relationships) in ways more typical of women

  14. Basically in the basic human ways.

    We are all here, trying to be happy and healthy in a miserable and toxic world.

    I wish everyone luck.

  15. When I was younger I found women/girls more interesting. As I got older I realized nobody is interesting lol.

  16. Dunno really. I connect incredibly well with my wife but I’ve never been as close to a woman other than her to know. Most of my friends have been men.

  17. Most of my friends are women. I tend to be more emotionally vulnerable and expressive and my girl friends relate to that better.

  18. While not feminine at all I’ve never really been a guy’s guy so I guess it was always easier for me to be around women than men.

  19. Self care. I use lotion regularly, I clean my nails, I take care of my hair (I have a curly Afro), and my bathroom is full of skin, hair, and face care products.

    As a conventionally attractive man (based off experience with women) I’ve learned that self care is VERY important to keeping images and I now understand why women take so long in the bathroom before going out, and why they carry so many products with them.

    I walk around with chapstick and lip balm in my pockets but if you saw me in person you would never think I was that type of guy. When I was in the army soldiers used to joke about me being the “salon” out in the field because my bag had so much self care stuff lmfao.

    I guess that’s why I’m beautiful.

  20. The way women express emotion is something I more so align with. Women and men both feel, but men are encouraged by society to not show it. I was never really like that, I’ve always been an openly emotional person, for better or worse. Also sometimes I just wanna talk about something that bothers me without hearing solutions, sometimes I’m just overwhelmed and need support.

    I’ve heard women are more like that when they vent whereas guys just focus on “fixing” it. Idk how true that is though

  21. I’ve always found it easier to emotionally open up to women, but I started early and I’ve always had a strong connection with my mother. Admittedly I often over-shared when I was younger, but I was a teenager and everyone was learning everything so I don’t hold onto that too much, and it was good to learn some emotional intelligence early alongside more of the women my age.

    I’ve also always appreciated retail therapy which most of my male friends didn’t find an appreciation for until their late-20’s and early 30’s, mostly because of disposable income and their partners taking them shopping.

  22. I’m almost every metric to be honest. And I’m not some chad chest beating alpha either. I get on with men because they mean what they say and generally don’t shit talk you behind your back. Plus I like football (soccer)

  23. I like them, and want to be close to them. With men, even friends, don’t touch me. Gimme personal space.

  24. Honestly, as much as I love my bros women are much more relatable at a platonic level

    Men like to say they’re honest and straight shooters, but a female friend will flat out call you out if you dress like shit for a date. They don’t care as much about optics when the intention is to make me a better person, so they don’t pull any punches. Now only has this caused me to have a thicker skin (I honestly had no idea how fragile men were, until having female friends) it also forced me in a lot of ways to be a better person. I’ll forever be grateful for that.

    My female friends are much more in tune with their emotions, so they understand concepts like depression, anxiety and being stressed out. Unlike my male friends, who (due to their own stress and worries) don’t have the mental capacity to support, so each time I’d say I’m feeling down I’d either get a “isn’t everyone?!” or the usual “man up” response

    Finally, women overall have a wider spectrum which allows more variety to things. My boys, I can talk shop with them for hours for hobbies and maybe sports. But it’s all purposefully done at a surface level, and the aim is set up guard rails to not make things “too personal”. So unless you’ve known someone for a decade, there’s always this feeling that you’re at arm’s length with them

    The women I know are wonderful, successful dumpster fires so are honest with what’s going on in their lives and how it affects them. It’s allowed me to understand that it’s okay to convey my emotions as I’m feeling them, and there’s no weakness in being honest with how the world is and how we’re all just trying our best

  25. I love to smell good and have soft skin. This habit was formed by my permanently sweet smelling ex.

    I remember thinking “wow she always smells and feels so good without me even having to ask, I want to do that for her as well”

    The habit has continued ever since. We broke up years ago.

  26. Their obsession with fashion, down to the tiniest detail about someone’s appearance.

    Idk I’ve always been open to this kind of subject, and anytime a woman finds out they’re usually surprised that a guy can notice small details in such a thing. I didn’t even grow up with sisters or anything which makes it even more surprising to people

  27. Stereotype but still true for the majority of people I find: I don’t want sex as often as my spouse does.

    Again, I know this is more common than people admit but my guy buddies always complain when their spouse isn’t in the mood but in the opposite. I’m tired dude I wanna sleep.

  28. I’ve always had more female friends than male friends. I think a lot of it boils down to my personal interests and my social awkwardness.

    Men seem to only want to talk about a small handful of topics: sports, cars, hunting, work, anything that involves competing with other men. All things I don’t have much interest in socializing about. Women, however, seem more open to talking about nearly anything.

    When socializing with men, there seems to be an ever present undercurrent of competition. It may not ever be explicitly stated, but it always feels like groups of men are subconsciously trying to figure out a pecking order or compete to see who’s better at something. I’ve always been kind of a shy loser so that’s not really an environment I feel interested or even comfortable in. Women tend to be much better at socializing than men. I’ve found they’re more willing to put effort into including people who may be shy or just new to the group, while men will just kind of ignore you if you don’t figure out how to fit in immediately. I also don’t feel nearly as much pressure to be “manly” around women as I do around men, nor have I ever uncomfortable admitting to a woman that I enjoy less masculine things like cooking or gardening.

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