Just for quick context. I went out with this girl about two years ago after her cousin (which is my friend) told me that she told him to tell me she wanted to go out. We went out to eat a few times but it didn’t go anywhere.

Fast forward two years and I see her at a gathering with his cousin again, and this time she tells me that we should go out again. I texted her, confirmed a time and day for the date but she told me she forgot that we even had a date planned out in the first place and told me she couldn’t go out. I decided to reply with a cold “ok”.

Fast forward a few weeks to today and asked her out to go eat and told me she is on another city, which I don’t know if it’s even true or not. I really want to go out with this girl and she even had some initiative to begin with so I don’t want to wonder what could have been, but I’m having trouble finding out what I should do now. All my texts recently have been failed attempts for us to go out. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. People will find time if they want to meet you.
    Few failed dates in a row means shes not as interested as you.
    I know it sucks. And I’m in the same situation right now. But its time to move on.
    Giving yourself false hope probably will end with more damage.

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