I’m a huge extrovert. I’m part of multiple friend groups and I hang out with my friends multiple times a week. I party every weekend. I always have stuff to say. I have alot of interests, am openminded and love meeting new people. This schoolyear I went to a different school. Starting convos is so fucking hard. I dont know what to talk about. I’m a social butterfly and the life of the party but in class I’m the quiet kid. There’s one classmate I knew already though, that helps. It’s weird to feel invisible. I’m not used to feeling like this anymore. I miss the person I am with friends when I’m at school. I don’t know what it is. All day every day I just work hard and participate or I text friends/watch video’s in class. I almost never talk to others. School is draining and not fun at all. For others it seems to come naturally. They even hangout together out of school even though the second week of school just ended. I don’t fucking know what to do. I can’t make small talk for shit. With friends I just talk about anything, no filter. Memes, politics, movies, books, insecurities, philosophy, self improvement, sex, events, news, relationships, drugs, personal life, interests, theories, love, our future, music, how annoying humans are, smurf cat and stuff like that. Basically anything. I feel so comfortable with my friends. When I hang out with friends and some of their friends and idk them I have no problem befriending them. Why is it so hard in class? What the fuck am I supposed to say? I hate small talk and I can’t make small talk at all. It’s boring, feels empty, it’s unnecessary and adds nothing. It costs me so much energy to try to act normal. I’m not shy at all, I just don’t know how to start a conversation. I don’t like being the quiet kid, my extroverted ass needs social interaction. Help AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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