Hi there. This is my first post to Reddit and i think this is the best place to get help for this situation. So my (19f) and my partner (20f) have been best friends for about a year now. We started off having little crushes on each other. Hers eventually faded as mine stayed. She always saw me as a close friend who’d occasionally she’d sleep with. Fast forward to a few months ago. I left for college and i am out here doing my own thing. While I’m here she admits she likes me and that a relationship could be in the future for us. She started off by saying when i come home in the summer we could start dating. Then she changed it to a year from now. Then possibly two years from now. She tells me all the time that if i don’t want to wait for her i am open to go and explore my options. I told her that i really do only want her. Recently we have been fighting a lot and all over stupid topics. The first one we argued over was how my body irritates her. (I will admit i am not skinny, i am curvy) Then we got into a fight about how i don’t support her (which is absolutely untrue. I support her in everything she does). Our most recent argument is how I’ve been pushing a relationship onto her. I will admit i did that a while back. I would ask her if she planned on it and when we could. But i have stopped once she started to yell and get upset. All I’ve wanted her to do is show me she cares for me. I was groped in front of her a few nights ago by a drunk guy. She didn’t really seem to care because he asked us to go drink with him and his friends. I denied because i did not feel comfortable. She on the other hand wanted to join them. She did not care about how disgusted i felt in that moment and how i just wanted to come to my room and cry. Now she is leaving for school too. I am beyond excited for her to finally start pursing her dream job and get an education. But my (selfish) issue is that it’s 15 hours away from our hometown. I am aware it is selfish but i do believe a lot of people would be upset about it. I’ve tried to now show her my emotions on it because i do know it makes her feel like I’m being unsupportive. I’ve tried to hide the emotions but it’s hard. I have let it slip a few times and i know I’m completely wrong for that. But i did want to be honest with her. Originally she was only supposed to be gone for nine months but now she will be gone for a year and a half. She will only get to visit home every 3 months and she’ll be home for a week. I wanted to be honest with her and tell her that i do think it’ll be hard on us. I am still recovering from a cheating ex so i do have a hard time trusting people. I do take it out on her saying that she will have lots of girls out at her school and it is bound to happen that some will want to do things with her. I am very insecure about it because i am not very pretty. I am an average looking girl. Brown hair and brown eyes. Nothing unique to me. Her on the other hand, she is really beautiful. I’ve seen other girls check her out when we’re out in public. She has told me she has no obligations to me because we are not in a relationship. This is all true, she does not have any obligations to me. She can go and do whatever the hell she wants. I’m just really conflicted as if i should stay and stick it out because I’m being irrational. Or if i should leave and save myself all the heart ache that will ensue. I do really love her and i do care for her. It’s just i don’t know what to do. I cant keep asking my friends because i sound like a broken record. Please help.

Edit: we do not have a title to our relationship. We do everything couples would do but just don’t call each other girlfriend.

1 comment
  1. Okay let me keep it simple for you. You are incompatible and this relationship will be painful and eventually end in a break up. You are not assessing your suitability for each other but are running on the feelings you have for you each other. You have big differences that will always cause disharmony in the relationship and you have already experienced this disharmony. Whether she stayed or not this relationship will likely not work or you will drag it on painfully.

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