I (36F) started a new relationship with (48M) in march 2023. Everything seemed fine in the beginning. I noticed he was constantly on his phone liking woman and TikToks of woman in pretty revealing ways. I brought it up and told him it made me uncomfortable. He got mad deleted the apps insta and TikTok. I didn’t ask him to delete them just asked him to stop physically liking the pics/videos.
Fast forward a few months. He didn’t actually delete the apps. Not a big deal. But why lie. He used a toy one time on me and put it back when we were done.
The next morning I washed it and put it back. A few weeks later I noticed the toy was used and not clean. I cleaned it and put it back and didn’t say anything. (We don’t live together) the other day I was at his house he turned on a song on the alexia and went to the bathroom to shower and use the toilet. When the song was over I went to put the tv on. He yelled out to put the music back on. I heard him on the phone. I told him that I was going to watch TV if that was OK instead of listening to music. He said oh ok. I sat there for a minute trying to get peacock tv to load and I heard him in there whispering to someone. Ilater asked who and he said a guy from work. He says I’m making these things up and he isn’t doing anything wrong. Am I the one overthinking all of this? Would you think that he is cheating? I also have gotten BV like 5 times since being with him. I’m just so unsure of everything. Please give advice to a woman who has not dated very much.

  1. There is no bigger red flag than the toy. Please have some self-respect and get away from this guy. The toy thing is disgusting.

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