Feel to roast me, and give me solid advice or direction pls.
Turned 31 this July. It’s been a wild last decade.
Community college for 4 years, university for 4, dropped out university during pandemic cause I was burnt out, and sucked at online classes. But have an opportunity to complete to my undergraduate by working for a private university staff member, next year. Worked for the same company for 12 years.
Paid off a car, got an another car when weather disaster killed my previous one. That was all on a part time paycheck but now Officially full time.
Grocery retail probs. (Money excuse)
All while dealing w child hood trauma, and finally found the right therapy. I’ve always had crushes, but never a girlfriend due to my extreme social awkwardness. never been kissed. I am str8, but due to my crazy divorced parents dealing with their crappy 2 marriages. I was always forced to take care of them and my half siblings. Even after moving out, I found myself giving it all to my church group, I always worked and cared for others as a form of mental emotional escape. But I have deep solid friendships with a handful of my college friends.
Despite realizing i used religious excuses as a crutch in my 20’s, I am still a person of faith, and still hope to find someone similar.

Realizing now that I feel like I missed out most of the girls my age, more than half of them are married and settled down, feels like there isn’t anyone out there close to my age, left single for me. 2 girls I had feelings for, they were the sister of 2 of my good friends, that I am still close to this day. But I never got to chance to open my feelings and or get a coffee to them before they accepted their marriage proposals (they were both in secret courtships in different cities). I let high functioning anxiety rob me of my 20’s. I honestly don’t know if any girls within my millennial generation are still available.
Growing w divorced parents, I cannot emotionally deal with becoming a stepparent my self. And I have to go younger but not too young. I am in decent shape and work a decent full time job.
Fire away

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