How did you see it when you were growing up? How do you see it now?

  1. I loved them growing up, my family always threw the biggest birthday parties, all my friends would show up and we’d have so much fun

    As I got older they got a little depressing but my birthday was recently and a bunch of friends surprised me when I was on my way home from work, they had a cake and everything, it made me feel loved and happy.

  2. Meh! When I was in high-school, sometimes I didn’t realize it was my birthday until I saw the date on my bus ticket. I have a winter bday, and don’t expect much.

    Just has never been a big deal to me–much to other’s disappointment.

    I have Gen X level of indifference — it’s “Whatever”…

  3. I don’t care for my birthday, I don’t like celebrating it. To me it’s just another day, so I don’t do anything, I don’t get anything and that’s because I don’t want anything nor do I want to celebrate it. And as for the growing up part I don’t care because I still look like I’m 12.

  4. My 18th birthday was the last one I looked forward to. Every birthday since then has been kinda miserable and I hate when people tell me happy birthday and remind me that I’m older lol

  5. I love a birthday, i don’t care about getting older and celebrating my birthday wont change that. I like the excuse to see everyone near and dear to me

  6. I’ve always cared a lot about my birthday but, due to severe bullying, I never celebrated it. It’s only recently that I’ve started celebrating and I still get a little anxious “no one will show up” but if they don’t I know I have a little movie date planned too.

  7. I love birthdays and have always been a birthday person (whether it’s mine or anyone else’s) and still do love it to a certain extent. But I guess the magic of birthdays kinda dies down as you grow up, which is depressing as hell since I promised myself I’d always be a birthday person.

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