My family abandoned me (22M) at a concert with no phone, wallet or shoes.

I (22M) was recently left at a concert by my family. For some background, I went to this concert with Mia (sister 20F), Zach (brother 16M), and Kyle (sister’s boyfriend 22M) this concert was 4 days and we had only planned on going for the first 3. The first 2 days of the concert went well and we had fun, but the 3rd day was way worse. The day started off normal I was only planning to have a few drinks and that’s it. Well at some point I believe someone slipped something in my drink. I only had 4 drinks when my memory goes away. I then woke up in an ambulance 5-6 hours later (12:30 a.m.) with no phone, wallet or shoes. A cop had found me a mile away from the venue and called an ambulance for me. The cop called my parents who were 2 hours away at home and updated them on what was going on. They said that they would pick me up the next day. When I had gotten to the hospital they said they had people who needed more help and then discharged me. They asked if I had a way home or if someone could pick me up. They also called my phone and it was in the lost and found at the venue. Well I didn’t know my sister’s number so the hospital staff called me an Uber to bring me back to the venue so I could get to Mia. Well she was gone when I got there so I asked a woman that was still there to call her on Facebook (i know I wish I thought of it at the hospital), well when she picked up I told her where I was and all she said was that she was an hour away and wasn’t turning around. Now at this point I’m scared and don’t know what to do. I went to the security office at the venue and tried to see if they could help. They went and checked lost and found but it was closed and wouldn’t open until 11:30. They gave me a few bucks to get something to eat and then drove me to the camping area the venue had to try and see if someone would let me stay with them. I then found a man that helped me out a lot. I had him text my family to not worry about getting me and then had him text my boss on FB to come get me. I then told him my story while balling my eyes out and he gave me a hug and help me get to sleep. The next day I had to wait for lost and found to open to get my stuff. Luckily they also had my wallet. I then called Mia and the rest of my family to let them know I was ok and my boss was on his way. When I talked to them they acted like the whole situation was my fault and that I wasn’t being a responsible older brother. When I finally got back to my parent’s house they were not there. I did not get an apology from Mia or anyone else. Then Kyle said that they were a half hour away when I called and he tried to make my sister turn around but she wouldn’t. Everyone I have told this to has said how disgusted with my family they are and that I should go no contact with them even close family friends. There has been other stuff that had already made me go low contact with my parents. Should I go no contact my whole family?

For context: My boss ended up driving 4 hours from where I live to get to me and then 2 hours to my parents house to where my car was then 3 more hours back home.
The hospital did not do a drug screening because I hadn’t thought about the fact I only had 4 drinks and was still kinda out of it.

  1. The sad news for you is now you know you can’t rely on your parents or siblings in your time of need. You were in a dangerous situation, and they wouldn’t help you in any way. If my sibling or kid was drugged and ended up in the hospital, I’d be on my way to them no matter what.

    Do not count on them being there to help you in the future; I would start building a support group of close friends or distant relatives. Start making plans to move out and only allow people that love and care for you in your life.

  2. Technically you left your family. You lost your shoes, wallet, and phone. How many missed calls and messages do you have from your family?

  3. I have no words for this as if this happened to my daughters I’d move heaven and earth to find them. I’m disappointed in your family altogether. No ok

  4. It’s time to make your own family out of people who actually care for you. Your biological family is of no use to you. Go NC and get some peace for yourself. Maybe some therapy to help you deal with what you have gone through.

  5. I’m so sorry this happened to you. As a parent and a sister, I can’t ever imagine doing this to my child or sibling.

    Silver lining: your “family” has given you the gift of freedom…from them, ever again.

  6. I’m sorry but your family sucks. I tell them all to bugger off until they pull their collective heads out of their butts.

  7. Go LC with them. Next time if they try to bring you to an event, tell them no.

    If they throw a tantrum for not spending time with you anymore, remind them that they are unreliable and that you could have been raped or even worse that night. They didn’t help you so you won’t be doing anything with them that involves alcohol, a big crowd and depending on them.

    If they still don’t get it, go NC. They are not worth it. You could have died and they didn’t care.

  8. I truly believe the less content you have with these people the better. They should care about you and want to protect you. They don’t. That’s a reflection on them and not on you. My mind is spinning even considering all the things that could have happened. Thankfully, you are safe and okay. Another silver lining here is now you know everything you ever need to know about your relatives. Move forward. Build strong friendships and relationships. Be brave. You will be better off. Good luck.

  9. At least you now know that you can’t trust them and can’t rely on them that they will stand by you or save your live when you are in a dangerous situation. And they are flipping the cards and acting like you let them down. They don’t care if you are dead or alive. Please go no contact with them.

  10. Honestly I’m disgusting with your family as well. They’re inconsiderate, and left you alone during a horrific time. I think you’re better off without them… wishing you the best !

  11. I’m happy for you that this ended with you safe. I don’t know what could have happened to you but it is sad that no one in your family was willing to come back for you. Especially when they found out that you were in the hospital.

  12. I wouldn’t have any contact with them ever, especially your sister. Why the hell did she leave in the first place? I’d laugh long and hard if they ever asked anything of me if that’s what they do. It’s good you’re safe and sound. Unfortunately, you had to learn the hard way just how your family really feels about you.

  13. You have an awesome boss!! Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your family.

    I would and have dropped everything and left work to help one of my kids and they were much older than you are. It’s just what family does or is supposed to do.

    I feel so sad for you. Fortunately, we can choose our own families from friends as we get older. I’d suggest working on that. Good luck OP.

  14. Wtf is wrong with your family? You could have been drugged or possibly assaulted and they acted like you just gone to get take out. Move out as fast as you can if possible.

  15. The experience sounds really bad and all, but at 22 maybe you should take this experience and learn from it to be more independent.

    I guess we are from different cultures so I don’t know anything about your life and I’m sorry, but if you aren’t able to make a 2 hour journey without making your boss drive around for 9 hours, then you need to get your shit together.

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