I’m kind of confused about today.

Sent a girl a message to hang out with me for the first time that I meet a few weeks ago

She asked me how she should dress if she should dress nice or casual because she doesn’t wanna stand out as she has lessons in the morning and she would feel shy

At this point I feel like she misunderstood my message for a date invite and I went along with it since she’s grown on me a lot during the last few weeks

I met her today as soon as she saw me she complimented my outfit thought this was a good sign

Then she said she wanted to drop her stuff at home before dinner she took me to her house for the first time and she let me see a sneak peak of her room but not that much cuz she kept saying it was messy but I noticed one draw was open and it was just full of bras but I think this was a honest mistake not on purpose because her room was in a terrible mess.

Fast forward at the dinner table she just kept telling me about guys that made moves on her which kind of just seems like friends zone level tbh. She even said she like guys who makes moves not shy guys. From all she told me it looks like she really likes attention a lot and leading guys on. Surprisingly she paid her own bill even though I insisted a few times I thought she would have taken advantage tbh.

Then afterwords when I ask her if we can take a selfie. She started taking brushes and doing her hair and putting on more make up. Then she took like the photo 10000 times she was just never happy even with different filters. It took like 20 mins to get a photo.

Then we walk home she basically lives 3 mins away from me she said she would walk me to the end of the road and she would go left and
I would go right. But then she changed her mind and went right with me and dropped me off at my door which is a student accommodation not a house like her. I never realised but I think from hindsight she maybe wanted me to invite her to my room but I don’t know because she made me feel like a friend so many times rather than a date by telling me about those guys. She’s really hot though it would sting so much if I missed an opportunity like this but I have no experience I literally don’t know what I’m doing in the dating word

I generally wanted to hangout as friends in the first place but when I though she thought it was a date I didn’t mind changing it to one. Honestly she confused me so much today so many mixed signals.

  1. She’s dropping hints on repeat about liking guys that make moves on her so make a MOVE

  2. your mistake was saying “hang out” . if you wanted to be a date, then you should have said date. ‘hang out’ is friends and thats probably how she approached it. hence she didnt know how to dress and why she kept talking about other guys.

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