I’m (39F) not even trying to date right now, but if I did, something that is so cribgeworthy to me is that a dude has to say “good morning” everyday. I’d rather have actual conversations than have that as an expectation. Anyone else feel the same?

  1. i hate that. i’m a lesbian but i still think it’s a huge turn-off with other women. especially something like “good morning beautiful”. gag. it just feels so forced and performative.

  2. I’m with you. Initially, I thought people were just doing early morning texts, which I could understand. Send off a text asking about the others day while im making breakfast or something. But no, I’ve had multiple people say they want it 1st thing – if my eyes are open, I need to be typing good morning :-*

    kinda ridiculous, but if it makes them happy i’m not gonna make a stink about it. Maybe they have some issues idk about.

  3. Ha, I love greetings based on the time of day to start the conversation BUT if that’s the conversation in it’s entirety then NO WAY.

  4. Oh my goodness, thank you!

    It’s so banal and to get it/send it every morning? End me. Yes, it’s the morning, we’re both awake. Congrats? I wouldn’t mind it in person, I guess but a text every day seems so…absent minded.

  5. I don’t like the idea of it where it’s expected and required. I dating a woman briefly a few months back and she was annoying be cause she demanded I text her good morning and good night every day. I do t even know why you would want that that, to each their own but when it’s robotic and someone takes offense if you don’t do it, then it’s not something I want to be engaged in.

  6. I really don’t like it when it’s someone from a dating app that I haven’t even met in person yet, or from someone I’m just getting to know. It’s like they are acting like my partner but we don’t have that level of familiarity or intimacy yet, so it just feels weird and annoying.

  7. Not the part where someone is thinking of you from the moment they wake up? I guess it’s cringey if you’re not into them! If a girl I didn’t really like that way was doing that everyday I’d not like it. If it’s the one I do want then it’s great!

  8. I feel you on this. When I was online dating, I seemed to attract women who would do this every day. It annoyed me because it was literally just “good morning” every freaking morning.

    What am I supposed to say to that? It doesn’t advance a conversation and it’s quite meaningless in my opinion.

  9. I have a guy that does that, and it does get annoying after a while. I’m too nice to tell him to stop.

  10. I thought they were cheesy, but now I can’t wait for my crush to send one in the morning or a cute goodnight text at night.

  11. Not entirely the same ting, since I have a partner.

    We don’t live together so I kind of like the good morning / good night texts

    A lot of the time I like to attach a little selfie or picture of something nice or pretty on my morning commute. I don’t send the text first ting in the morning.

  12. In a guys mind words are a means to an end and not an end in themselves.

    I think there’s this general understanding that if they text “morning, how is your day going, good night” it’s basic requirements for relationship are met — no need to have any interesting conversation. And I used to get annoyed about this.
    Realised most guys couldn’t be arsed to have a real conversation or if they can, they would rather have it in person than type it on a phone, which is fair. Instead I get messages like “how did you sleep” “what are you making for dinner”, find myself reporting about this trivial stuff.

    The morning msg type routine building is their way of letting us know we are on their mind I guess. And also maybe checking with undertones of “we good?” on a daily basis, so to check up on the mood of the couple. This being okay, they can focus on whatever their day will throw at them at work or otherwise.

    In my experience it is extremely rare find a guy who texts loads on interesting topics regularly, makes conversation for the sake of it like most women I know do, they exist yes! But rare. Author types often

    On a side note, maybe we should let go of the need for typing interesting shit down and speak about this stuff in person (irony of writing this line on a platform we write long stuff down on our phones). I kinda did let go of this need though.

    Plus, there’s also our friends to have interesting deep conversations more often, if your beau is the more reserved type. One person can’t be everything to us, as frustrating as that may be… they can still love you passionately, deeply and tenderly

  13. This and “How did you sleep” every morning. Like well I guess….. I woke up, so fine ? I don’t even know why it irritates me so much. Luckily as I get older , the men aren’t doing this as much. 29btw

  14. To each their own. The issue I have with it, is how do you stop once it’s started. I think people get locked into these greetings for fear of being called out for not doing it.

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